Data collection & Dissemination Workshop Partnerships - HSC, CLOs, DHS. What do they want?
Who am I? I am a CLO A member of the HSLA Work For Melbourne Extended Care and Rehabilitation Service. I have a number of responsibilities being CLO is just one of them!
What data do CLO’s currently have to provide? Currently for my organisation I am asked to provide data for: –HSC on the HCIP database –The Health Services Network KPI’s on an Excel spreadsheet. –Site specific data to the site quality committee, the Clinical Risk Committee on site based KPI’s on an excel spreadsheet. –AIMS data.
What effects data collection and the systems used Importance that the organisation places on the management of complaints Funding Staffing & support constraints IT support –Or lack thereof! Time constraints –Balancing paperwork with other functions
Concerns about data collection from the CLO perspective Confidentiality What is the data being used for? –Funding –Information The numbers game Are we comparing apples with apples? –making sure the figures that you are collecting actually mean something Ability to validate the data
Things to be aware of that will effect data collection … High burnout rate of CLOs –lifespan of approx - 18 month to 2 years Lack of support for CLOs Training for CLO’s –There is no or limited training available for CLO’s Each time a new CLO is appointed they have to be trained in all the systems CLOs come from diverse backgrounds
CLO’s - what do we want from data collection systems? Ease of use –if the CLO has to use two or more different systems to record and provide data it won’t happen! Link old systems into new Adaptability –to individual health services needs –to link into other health care systems ie patient m/t systems
New issues for CLOs Community consultation Not just complaints …. –Compliments –Suggestions New legislation Peer Support programs
Questions to ask …... How will the new legislation affect what we do at the ground level? How can we improve the provision of meaningful data? How can that data be used to improve performance in health care facilities?