Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER Distributed Generation with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources Thomas Degner ISET e.V. Königstor 59, D Kassel Tel Fax
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May Future grids with Decentralised Power Production
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May Objective and Approach Main objective: Preparation of a new distributed generation structure of power supply in regional, local and island grids Approach Investigation on basic solutions for technical problems expected from more decentralised generation in distribution networks Demonstration of exemplary technical solutions in test centres and at selected sites Restriction on medium and low voltage grids
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER 37 partners from 11 European countries 17 mio Euro overall budget Project duration Jan 2001 – Dec 2005 Work divided into 11 work packages
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER Consortium 37 partners from 11 European countries: utilities power industry and service companies research centres and universities
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER – research areas Grid stability and control Stable operation of networks with very high penetration of DG Control of DG and storage plant Hardware and control strategies for load management Advanced communication and metering Power quality and safety Power quality of LV connected DG Development of a power quality and management system for DG in LV networks Concepts and solutions for preventing unintended islanding Protection against overload and short circuits in DG networks Identification of requirements for new standards for DG
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER – research areas (continued) Socio-economic issues Evaluate the potential of the users as “controllable” load Influence of ICT and innovative distribution networks on the penetration of DG Effect of institutional changes in the electricity markets and strategic behaviour of incumbent utilities on the position of DG
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER – research areas (continued) Planning, trading and operation tools Adaptation of a simulation tool for load flow calculations in DG networks with wind power plants Development of software tools for optimisation of grid connection of wind farms SCADA system for DG and controllable loads Training facilities and programme for grid operator personal Information, communication, and electricity trading Standardised data structures and data bases for information services Wind power prediction tool for wind farms in UK to improve energy trading
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER – research areas (continued) Test facilities for grid stability, control and power quality Test facility for power quality at CESI, Milano (transient and energy flow analysis) Test facility for grid stability and control at ISET, Kassel (test of DG units, setup of laboratory DG grid)
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May Test facility for grid stability and control at ISET
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER – research areas (continued) Implementation of DG technology in regional power supply systems Case studies for DG in European interconnected networks Case studies for DG in European islands and weak grid Pilot installations and monitoring of DG in low voltage grids Solar Settlement Querdeich (PV/ micro turbine / battery storage) Technology Demonstration Centre San Agustin del Guadalix (PV/ Wind/ Battery) Stadtwerke Karlsruhe (Fuel cell, battery storage)
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER – document management system
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May DISPOWER: CIRED 2003 contributions UOG_Massucco_A1. Stefano Massucco (University of Genova) “Electrical energy distribution networks: actual situation and perspectives for distributed generation” ISE_Degner_A1. Thomas Degner (ISET) ”Effect of renewable energy sources on power quality -Recent research activities” UMI_Bopp_A1. Thomas Bopp (UMIST) “Commercial and technical integration of distributed generation into distribution networks” UMI_Chilvers_A1. Ian Chilvers (UMIST) “Development of distribution network protection schemes to maximise the connection of distributed generation”
Thomas DEGNER -DE- BETA SESSION 4b: Integration of RES+DG Barcelona May For further information and documents please visit Thank you for your attention ! We acknowledge the support of the project by the European Commission under contract No. ENK5-CT