New Data Collection System For AFP NATTAP Meeting May 6, 2008 Salt Lake City, Utah
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Process for Development Lead National Information System on Assistive Technology (NISAT) ABLE Tech Partners RSA RESNA Alternative Financing Technical Assistance Project (AFTAP)
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Data Work Group Comprised of programs dual reporting requirements (AFP and Statewide AT Program) those that solely have AFP reporting requirements large programs and small programs (Federal Funds given through the years) diversity with states, population, location, type of AFP offered etc.
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Players Virginia – Joey (Christy) Pennsylvania – Susan Wisconsin – Patti Kansas – Basil Wyoming - Kris Missouri – Marty Louisiana – Kurt Maine – Kathy Illinois – Sue Michigan - Leah Held 6 Conference Calls
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Mission Data collection instrument that would capture at a minimum the reporting requirements of Title III of the Assistive Act of 1998 (4) the amount of assistance giving to consumers through the program (who shall be classified by age, type of disability, type of AT devices or AT service financed through the program, geographic distribution, within the State, gender and whether the consumers are part of an underrepresented or rural population).
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Issues Some reporting requirements are different than those in State Financing Convert current AFP reporting from Individual data on all applicants Annual Program data To one aggregate data system
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Currently Federal Register released data instrument for comment February 29 th Office of Management & Budget (OMB) closed comments April 29 th OMB will review comments and release final instrument approximately 90 to 120 days There could be changes but here is what we know now…….
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 AFP Optional Data Elements Type of AFP’s offered Highest & Lowest Interest Rates Highest & Lowest Loan Amounts Highest & Lowest Repayment Terms (days) Loan Guarantee Repayment Requirement
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Required Data Elements One question on applicants – all other questions are based on the loan or the direct user of closed loans Number of ApplicationsTotal A. Approved – Loan Made50 B. Approved – Loan Not Made5 C. Rejected5 D. Total60
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Definition of Type of Loan Revolving Loans – the loan program directly provides the funds that are loaned Partnership Loans – funds are from a source other than the AFP, usually a financial entity, through an agreement Loan Guarantee Interest Buy-Down Other
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Definitions – Type of Loans Loan Guarantee – the loan program uses its funds to guarantee all or a portion of a loan Interest Buy-Down – the loan program funds are used to buy down the interest rate of the loan resulting in lower interest payment charged to the consumer
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Definitions – Type of Loans Low-Interest Loan – the interest charged to the consumer is at or below prime rate. Prime rate is interest rate charged by commercial banks for large loans Preferred Interest Loan – the interest rate that is lower than the consumer would normally pay
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Type of Loan Table 2 b. pp 15 Type of LoanNo. of LoansDollar Value Revolving Loans5$6,000 Partnership Loans45$554,000 Other00 Total50$560,000 Number of Loans will automatically populate from Table 2a. Dollar value must equal Dollar Value of Loans in Table 3a.
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Types & Dollar Amount of AT Vision2$10,000 Hearing20$100,000 Speech communication3$20,000 Learning, cognition, deve.5$18,000 Daily living2$2,000 Mobility, seating, pos4$40,000 Environmental adapt3$90,000 Vehicle modifications11$280,000 Total50$560,000 Table 3 a. pp 17
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Number and Percentage Loans Loan Amount 1,000 Less 1,001 5,000 5,001 10,000 10,001 15,000 15,001 20,000 20,001 25,000 25,001 50,000 50,001 More %20% 16%10%18%10%2% Table 3 b. pp 18
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 High & Low Loan Amount Enter the highest and lowest dollar amounts of loans provided during this reporting period: Highest $________ Lowest $ ________ Table 3 b. pp 18
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Definitions - Defaults Loan in Default – on or before, 120 days in which the borrower has not made the scheduled payment for the balance still owed to the loan program; or when the loan program paid the lending institution the remaining agreed upon balance of loan. Do not count loans that have had rescue payments.
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Definitions - Defaults Net Dollar Loss – the amount lost as a result of default during this reporting period after subtracting any funds that were recovered on a revolving or guarantee loan. Active Loans – a borrower owes money and is still actively making payments and the loan program is responsible for all or part of the balance in case of default. Revolving Loans Guarantee Loans
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Definitions - Defaults Count: All Active Loans from when the loan program originated, in which the loan program is responsible for all or part of the balance if the loan was to default on the last day of the reporting period. Do Not Count: Loans in which the loan program does not have a financial responsibility to pay the bank in case of default, such as: Interest Buy-Down Loans Low Interest or Preferred Interest Loans
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Defaults Number of Loans in Default Number of Active Loans Default Rate 4904% Net Dollar Loss Total Dollar Value of Active Loans Net Loss Rate $15,000$450,0003% Table 4 a. & b. pp 20
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Direct User A direct user is an individual that uses an AT device or service that provides a direct benefit or impact. Whereas, secondary user or beneficiary is a person who benefits from the user having an AT device. There can be more than one direct user for one AT device, but do not count secondary user
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Gender of Direct User(s) Number Female26 Male26 Total52 There must be the same number of direct users when reporting Gender, Age and Geographic Distribution Table 5 a.. pp 21
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Age Age of Direct Users of ATNumber Total52 Table 5 b. pp 21
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Geographic Distribution Rural Urban Continuum Code countydisability.asp Or to download excel file go to: ContinuumCodes/ Codes 1-3 are considered “metro” Codes 4-9 are considered “non-metro”
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Number of Applications Geographic Distribution Geographic Area of Residence Number of Direct Users Geographic Area of Residence Metro RUCC Geographic Area of Residence Non-Metro RUCC Total 52 Table 5 c. pp 23
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Type of Disability The AT direct user’s abilities may be affected in more than one area, therefore the data reported for each user may reflect multiple areas or “Type of Abilities” The total number of areas affected may exceed the number of loans and/or the totals reported for direct users of age, gender and geographic distribution
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Type of Ability Seeing2 Hearing21 Talking/communicating4 Getting around/mobility15 Handling objects, reaching1 Learning new information5 Remembering2 Interacting with others/socializing6 Total56 Table 5 d. pp 24
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Anecdote Provide at least one anecdote What AT device or service did the user need? How did the your AFP help? What barrier(s) did your AFP help the user overcome? Did the AFP collaborate with another entity? How did the device improve the user’s life?
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Compared to State Financing Difference AFP has optional questions on program policy Interest Rates Loan Amounts Repayment Terms Loan Guarantee Requirement
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Differences cont. Geographic distribution is only on direct users of loans closed, not on all applicants Type of device – “other” is clarified to use farm equipment Type of loan – total Revolving and Partnership loans AFP Default – assigns a different term from Default Rate to Net Loss Rate% Data elements are the same
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 AFP Data Not Collected Data not collected in AFP Income information of applicant Interest Rate – range table Performance measures Customer Satisfaction
National Information System on Assistive Technology: May 2008 Questions? - Comments