Statewide Convening October 16, 2014 Worcester State University Evaluation Session: Gateway Cities Education Agenda - English Language Learners Enrichment Academies
Evaluation Goals Support Implementation Share successful strategies Identify and problem-solve challenges Improve Future Academies Support Cross-Site Learning Network Report on Implementation and Outcomes 1
Evaluation Questions 1.Implementation: What program design and conditions need to be in place to ensure that the Summer Academies are implemented effectively? What conditions hinder implementation? 2.Student level impact: What is the impact of the Summer Academies on student outcomes? How and to what extent does impact on student outcomes differ across Summer Academy models? 3.Program partners (school, district, community) level impact: How and to what extent do the Summer Academies impact teachers, students, families? How will lessons and strategies be shared with schools and districts? 2
Question 1: Data Collection Implementation: What program design and conditions need to be in place to ensure that the Summer Academies are implemented effectively? What conditions hinder implementation? How we collected data: Reviewed 20 Grant Applications Reviewed Interim Reports Conducted 6 site-visits (mid-/late- July) Observations, Focus Groups, Interviews, Collected Materials Reviewing 20 Final Reports 3
Question 1: Emerging Findings from Site Visits Cross-Site Strengths: High Expectations for ELLs Caring teachers & staff Safe environment for ELLs Strong relationships with community partners Culturally relevant recreational & enrichment activities 4
Question 1: Emerging Findings from Site Visits cont. Cross-Site Areas of Improvement: Curriculum Enrichment Attendance School-Year Practice Community Partnerships 5
Question 2: Data Collection Student level impact: What is the impact of the Summer Academies on student outcomes? How and to what extent does impact on student outcomes differ across Summer Academy models? How we collected data: Data capture Excel file: Site-Level Data Student-Level Data Summer enrollment & attendance Summer Pre- and post-test data SY 2014 & SY 2015 State Student-level Data MCAS ACCESS SIMS SSDR 6
Question 2: Emerging Findings Total Days Total Hours/Day Total Hours Mean Min Max Duration of 20 academies:
Question 2: Emerging Findings Cont. Summer 2014 Data # of Students in Academies % of District ELL Enrollment Attendance Rate Mean 889%83% Min 171%56% Max 25330%98% 8 Students Served:
Question 3: Data Collection Program partners (school, district, community) level impact: How and to what extent do the Summer Academies impact teachers, students, families? How will lessons and strategies be shared with schools and districts? How we collected data: Site-Visit Data: Teacher Focus Groups Parent Focus Groups Community Organization Focus Groups Reviewing 20 Final Reports Document Fall Convening Conversations 9
Question 3: Emerging Findings from Site Visits Eliminating Summer Learning Gap Teacher-Student Relationships Small Class Size 10
Cross-Site Roundtable Discussions Three topics: A.Curriculum (Academic & Enrichment) B.Family and Community Engagement C.Impact of Academies on School Year Practice 11
Roundtable Goals Reflect upon your academy using indicators from ELL Practice Framework Share your academy’s strengths and challenges with other sites Discuss future collaborations or partnerships Learn new strategies for 2015 academy Share lessons and strategies with your schools and/or district 12
Roundtable Discussions Group 1: Student Center, Foster Room (All Sessions) Facilitator: Rosann Tung Group 2: Student Center, Fallon Room (Sessions A&B) Session C, 1:40pm: Sullivan Academic Center Room 209 Facilitator: Ruth López Group 3: Sullivan Academic Center Faculty Lounge Room 310 (All Sessions) Facilitator: Lynne Sacks 2:30pm-3pm Foster Room (ALL GROUPS) 13
Questions? Comments? Contact: Principal Investigator: Rosann Tung, Ph.D. or Project Researcher: Ruth López,