Talk with your child every day about his or her school experiences, successes, and worries. Read the school handbook and all notices that the school sends home. Meet your child's teacher and attend parent-teacher conferences when they are offered. Consult your child's teacher or school staff whenever you have concerns. Attend open houses, school events, programs for parents, and school- board meetings. Stay aware of your child's academic progress. Praise all earnest efforts and accomplishment. Review homework assignments each day and help your child organize time and work. Provide learning experiences, visit museums, watch educational TV shows, and have books and other learning materials available at home. Join the school's parent-teacher organization and participate in its activities. Volunteer at school. From classroom assistance to field trips, school fairs, and fundraisers, there are many opportunities to offer your services. Your attention and involvement show your child that school is important!! 10 Ways to Get Involved in Your Child’s Education
A ttendance : Please have your child at school by 7:45 every morning. Absences are counted at 9:30. B ullying: Bullying is not an acceptable behavior in 3 rd grade! Zero tolerance! C onference: At least one face-to-face conference is required each year. D ismissal: School ends at 3:15. Changes to the way students get home are not changed after 2:30. E mergency Numbers: Please make sure the office has them in case of an emergency. F older: Please check the Graded Papers envelope on Fridays and your child’s Bee Binder and agenda each night. The ABCs of Third Grade
G raded Work : ALL graded work will be sent home in the Graded Papers envelopes on Friday. Please sign the back of the envelope and return it on Monday. H omework : Your child will have some type of homework each night. I ncomplete Class Work : Incomplete class work will be sent home as homework. J ournals : Your child will have a Writer’s Notebook. K eep : Students must be responsible for keeping their things organized. L unch : Feel free to join your child 11:40-12:10. Money should be sent in a sealed envelope with the student’s name. The ABCs of Third Grade
M anagement (Classroom, that is…) Our classroom management plan is on our homepage N ames: Names of persons allowed to pick up your child should be on file in the office. O pen Communication: Please feel free to call or with any concerns or questions. P TO: Please join our PTO and come to the monthly meetings. Q uestions about STAAR: We will have a STAAR information night later in the year. A flyer will be sent home. R eading: Your child should read 20 mins. each night in addition to the regular homework. The ABCs of Third Grade
S cience and Social Studies: Science and Social Studies vocabulary should be studied each week. T oys: Students should NOT bring any toys from home. We have a June Box. U nkind Behavior: No unkind behavior will be tolerated. V olunteers: Our class will welcome any volunteer who wants to help out. Visit the office for more info. W ebsite: Visit Choose: Clements/Parsons I am e X cited to work with Y our child. Please be sure your child gets plenty of Z zzzz’s each night. The ABCs of Third Grade
Copperas Cove ISD does not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or any other basis prohibited by law. El Distrito de Copperas Cove no discrimina contra ninguna persona por razon de raza, color, religion, sexo, origen nacional, desabilidad, edad, o cualquier orto prejudicio, phrohivido, por la ley. Thank you for coming! Thank you for -ing here!