Memory Level General Subgroup CTL Modeling May 11, 2007 Confidential Update
Memory Level General Members: –Mouli (Leader), Jay, Karen, Geir Scope: –Define CTL constructs to describe the Memory Level Information excluding Address/data mapping, Redundancy and Memory Access Mechanism Milestone: VTS2007 ( Delayed)
Memory Level General Initial List Memory Type –SRAM, DRAM, ROM, FLASH, Single Program ROM, CAM –Synchronous, Asynchronous –Memory template Name –Logical Ports–(x)RW, (y)R, (z)W, (m)M(Match ports) –Port synchronicity –Retention Time –Bypass Mode –Memory Timing (can we make it more general that provide all timing information on the memory. May be in the form of a wrapper, would also include ADT….) –Write Mode Operation (Select During Write Through) –Data Input/Out Stages Flop, Latch, None Number of stages –Count Ranges for Bank, Row, Column _ Tri State condition
What Memory Attributes are Covered Memory Functional Architecture –Describe memory functionality for various memory types at the I/O level Eg., Read/Write/Write-through/Write-back Operations Memory Test Architecture –Testing the memory core Describe the data/address/control signals needed to test the memory core –Testing shadow logic Describe all signals (I/O level) that enable shadow logic test
Memory Structure Memory Functions ( Are these covered by access or Pin function sub groups) –R/W behaviour –Multiport contentions –Write-back, Write through operations Memory Functional Architecture Attributes Memory Type: SRAM/ROM/DRAM/FLASH/CAM Synchronous/Asynchronous Pipelined/Non-pipelined Column Mux #banks/rows/columns Retention time Input # Address Lines # Data Lines # Enables (R/W, CEN,...) # R/W, M ports # Clocks Registered inputs Output # Data Lines Tristate condition
Memory Test Architecture Attributes Test Structure Test Functionality ( covered by other sub groups?) Memory Core Input # Test Mode signals(Memory BIST, Logic BIST, ATPG) # Bypass Mode signals ( asynch, synchronous) # Test Data, Address, Control signals ( for shadow logic test) # Other Test Modes ( margins, bit-cell variabilities, etc) Output #Test result signals ( Done, Error, Test Data)
Sample Template for Memory General Attributes STIL 1.0 { CTL 2005; Design 2005; } Variables { IntegerConstant maxdata ; IntegerConstant maxaddr ; IntegerConstant addrmax ; } Signals { */ Address[Range], Data [Range], Controls in; Data [Range] out; Test address [Range], Test Data [Range} out; Test Control [Range] out; */. } Environment { CTL { Memory Properties { /* ( define rows/bank, CM, synch/asynch, R/W port contentions) ; */ } } CTL Mission Mode { Test Mode Normal ; Family (DRAM/SRAM/ CAM/ Flash/ROM): Internal { / * define all the signals * / } CTL BIST_mode { TestMode Internal Test: Internal { / * define all the signals * / } CTL Bypass_mode { TestMode Bypass Internal { / * define all the signals * / }
Schedule & Milestone MilestoneDate Complete definition of Memory functional attributes6/30/07 Complete definition of Memory Test attributes7/15/07 Complete CTL model for memory functional attributes8/15/07 First draft of CTL model for memory general functionality9/15/07 Review of first draft10/1/07 Final draft10/15/07