Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies Public administration and service reform in the CR.


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Presentation transcript:

Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies Public administration and service reform in the CR – decentralization ! 14 new regions and regional assemblies instead of 77 districts of PA, 77 districts changed into 194 small districts - munici- pality offices with spatially enlarged competencies; – new demand for GI related to new SPATIALLY defined competencies; new legislation initiatives and also new errors – losses of established and functional structures and resour- ces, including some geodata, GI, GIT and trained people! – “detected” also complicated roots of data and GI ownership

Number of registered datasets in individual districts

Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies Environment related policies - Aarhus convention and consequent national information strategies and laws bringing new approach into the relation between the citizens and the authorities – Law nr. 123/1998 on free access to environmental data, – followed by a general law nr. 106/1999 on free access to PSI – democratization and debate with citizens, Pilots in PPGIS, Case Studies - enthusiasm, expectations X capacity underestimation followed by frustration of both sides

Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies State Information Policy – approved by the Czech Government in May 1999 – reflects the principles and ideas of e-government (e.g. government on line) – modernisation of governmental practices (e.g. joined-up government) – access to public sector information – democratization and debate with citizens and – public private partnership

Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies State Information Policy one chapter : expression of interest for GI and its role in the information society; a need for a NGII announced (CAGI) follow-up governmental documents: – SIP Action Plan from September 1999 one project on NGII- GI core data (COSMC) several projects related to NGII (although not visibly linked) – Strategy for Building Public Sector Information Systems (October 99) one chapter and links in other parts specification of 3 basic/authentic registers - physical persons, legal entities and Basic register of spatial identification and real estates

Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies State Information Policy The National Geoinformation Infrastructure of the Czech Republic - Programme for the years , – initiated by CAGI and formulated by the WG for NGII and approved in consensus of the national platform called Nemoforum – approved by Governmental Council for State Information Policy in September 2001

Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies The NGII Program of the Czech Rep. Set of conditions divided into 10 main NGII topics: the existence of the NGII Programme document accepted by public administration and autonomous professional unions; the NGII development in connection with European and global GI initiatives; co-ordination and co-operation of all the partners active in the field of geomatics and geoinformatics; technical conditions for processing and distribution of geodata and geoinformation;

Eva Pauknerova, Petr Rapant CZECH REPUBLIC New national policies that will condition GI data policies The NGII Program of the Czech Rep. Part 2 organisational, legislative, financial and other conditions for access to geodata and geoinformation; basic data sets of geodata (core data); information about existing geodata sets, their sources and access conditions - MIDAS metainformation system; standard transfer formats of geodata and their sets, standard description of data sets, terminology in geomatics and geoinformation; qualification of professionals in the field of geomatics and geoinformatics; skills of users from wide public for exploitation of new possibilities and access to geodata and geoinformation.

Influence of the GI sector on the policy definition process Institutional framework: Governmental Council for SIP established the interdisciplinary and cross-sector expert group for GI in PS Office for Public Information Systems Ministry of Interior Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Ministry of Environment Ministry of Defence etc. PPP: CAGI, Nemoforum - national platform for spatial information and real estates

Public Platform: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre * Ministry of Finance * Ministry for Regional Development * Ministry of Interior * Ministry of Agriculture * Office for Public Informa- tion Systems * Union of Towns and Mu- nicipalities of the CR* 6222 municipalities in CR (* founding organisations) Professional Platform: Association of Real Estate Offices of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia* CAGI - Czech Association for Geoinformation * Czech Society of Certified Property Valuers * Chamber of Notaries of the CR* Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers Masaryk University in Brno * Union of Land Owners and Private Farmers in the CR University of West Bohemia, Pilsen Utilities Central Bohemia Utilities East Bohemia *

New national policies that will condition GI data policies Questions of particular importance – What is public sector and general interest in your country? How is it defined? a long term debate, but not exactly specified... – What is public sector information and general interest information in your country? How is it defined? situation illustrated by: Office for State Information (1996) - Office for Information Systems of Public Sector (1999) - Office for Public Information Systems (since 2001)

New national policies that will condition GI data policies What are the regulatory mechanisms in place or planned? – policies and laws prepared by responsible ministries or other governmental bodies as COSMC – internal and public debates on documents in preparation (more or less possibilities to be a part of the process), CAGI (initiatives, WGs activities), Nemoforum= platform – GI law approach or a GI aspect approach ?! How are the rights and obligations of owners, providers, value-adders and users defined ? – fragmented, uncoordinated regulations = challenges !

New national policies that will condition GI data policies Legal issues ?: (commnets to a list of specific laws) This important framework exists in a large extent also in the CR and reflects the trends in the EU and directions of the EC. The financial issues are crucial ! – The idea of core-data for free touches the basic process and principles of building a state budget; – Preparing an acceptable GI Data Policy needs a systematic and consistent approach and formulating arguments and their presentation to the financial and economy experts in their terminology and from their perspective.

New national policies that will condition GI data policies Legal issues ?: Let´s stay firmly on the ground! Some of the lessons learned during the national inventory of GI resources on the district level - fragmented data and GI having value just in their isolated location and for the existing teams or users, (the first wave of GIS development was in the pre-www period!) chaos in terminology (the GIS development started by GIS/GIT experts and was IT driven, the use of terminology was very flexible), weak implementation of existing regulations (the GIT experts do not care fore subject-oriented laws and unfor- tunately underestimate the role of standards and policies) GI AWARENESS RAISING needed on many levels; GI context awareness needed inside the GI community !!

New national policies that will condition GI data policies THANKS for your attention! Czech Association for Geoinformation