Learning Station #1 Portals IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Meeting San Juan, Puerto Rico 14 February 2009 Yvonne Pelham Manager, Educational Outreach
EAB Portals In addition to the Education Section of ieee.org, EAB manages the following portals: –TryEngineering.org –TryNano.org –Accreditation.org –Standard Education –Real World Engineering Projects 8-Feb-142
TryEngineering.org Website created by IEEE, IBM, and New York Hall of Science. Combines information on engineering careers with interactive activities to raise public awareness of the engineering profession Primary audience: students, parents, teachers, school counselors, and the general public Visitors to the portal can: – Prepare for an engineering career – Find student opportunities such as summer camps, internships, etc – Search for universities with accredited engineering programs – Find classroom activities and more… 8-Feb-143
8-Feb-144 Explore:
8-Feb-145 Bionic Arm Design Challenge
TryEngineering.org Available in English, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese and Portuguese Statistics (as of 31 December 2008) 2.5 MILLION HITS IN 2007 … 4.5 MILLION HITS IN ,683 = average # of visitors per month 67,006 = highest number of total unique visitors (May 08) 240,714 = average # of page hits per month 9245 = average number of university searches per month 10,605= average number of lesson plans downloaded per month 3957 = questions submitted to Ask an Expert (as of 6 Jan 2009) Visitors come from the US, India, China, Canada, UK and scores of other countries 8-Feb-146
TryNano.org The IEEE Nanotechnology Council and the Educational Activities Board created a Nanotechnology Portal to increase awareness of nanotechnology. Primary Audience: pre-university and university students, parents, teachers, general public, engineers Visitors can find: information about nanotechnology, nanomaterials, applications, profiles of companies and experts in the field, listing of nanotechnology degree programs, lesson plans 8-Feb-147
TryNano.org 8-Feb-148 Take a sneak peak:
Accreditation.org On-line resource for those who are interested in information on accreditation of engineering, engineering technology and computing (ETC) programs worldwide. Primary audience: Working professionals in ETC, teachers and administrators of education programs; decision makers in governmental, industrial and private organizations Visitors to the portal can : Identify recognized accrediting agencies throughout the world Access current summaries of accreditation agreements and agencies Find accredited programs in their area 8-Feb-149
8-Feb-1410 Take a tour:
Accreditation.org Worldwide View : –36 Accrediting Agencies summaries –14 Mutual Recognition Agreements and Accords –1, 739 Accredited Programs from 25 Countries(also on TryEngineering.org) Statistics (as of 31 December 2008) 36,720 HITS IN = average # of visitors per month 2,958 = average # of page hits per month 8-Feb-1411
IEEE Standards Education Offering online learning modules and resources to enhance the understanding of technical standards Providing an IEEE Standards Education Web Portal that offers –Standards-related Tutorials and Case Studies –Student Application Papers based on Senior Design Projects –And More… 8-Feb-1412
IEEE Standards Education 8-Feb-1413 Learn more: standardseducation.orgstandardseducation.org
IEEE Standards Education Content: –Tutorials - The Role of Standards in Engineering and Technology Cellular Technology Electrical Power Systems –Case Studies Wireless Router Case Illustration Multimode Mobile Phone Case Illustration –Student Application Paper: Applications of IEEE b Wireless Standards in the Realization of a New Service Paradigm for New Jerseys Garden State Parkway Portal Usage: 670 page hits 8-Feb-1414
Real World Engineering Projects (RWEP) Provide awards to faculty, to develop real world curriculum materials for use in first-year EE, CE, EET, CET, and CS courses Primary Audience: faculty, undergraduate ECE students Visitors can find: –Library of peer-reviewed hands-on team based projects –Schedule for the annual Call for Projects 8-Feb-1415
Real World Engineering Projects (RWEP) 8-Feb-1416 Browse:
Real World Engineering Projects (RWEP) Statistics (as of 31 December 2008) –2,424 = Total unique visitors 1 –14,885 = Total pages viewed YTD Project File Downloads = 983 files 1- One visitor self-identified as an adopter. An adopter is a faculty member who has or plans to incorporate the project into the coursework. 8-Feb-1417
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