Why do we have rules? Work with your partner to come up with a reason why we have school rules. Are there any negatives about having rules?
Weather – in the hallway with your head down If out of the room you have time to get back Fire – go to the flag pole if you are away from class Locker notice page 4 All lockers subject to search at any time
Verification of Residency Power bill by Sept. 30 Attendance Written excuse for every absence Anything after 5 th absence requires a doctors excuse within 3 days You are still responsible for work you missed Testing – you take the test the day you get back Tardy This includes tardy to school and each class Perfect Attendance means all day everyday If you check out at any time, you do not have perfect attendance
Student Harassment Violence, threats, or intimidation Race, gender, religion, origin, disability If you feel threatened, see Mrs. Sparks Sexual Harassment Verbal, nonverbal, physical Texting and social media See Mrs. Sparks
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Search of Personal Effects Purses, bags, etc. can be search under suspicion of items not allowed at school Acceptable Use Policy Educational purposes only Educational downloads with permission only Consequences ▪ Teacher discipline ▪ Parent conference, device with administration ▪ After school detention, device held for a length of time ▪ Suspension, possible loss of device privileges ▪ Level two (cyberbullying, harassment, inappropriate conduct) ▪ Minimum 2-5 day suspension
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Discipline Minor violations ▪ Conference ▪ Detention ▪ Disciplinary work assignment ▪ Corporal punishment ▪ ISD Intermediate violations ▪ Multiple days of ISD ▪ Suspension Major violations ▪ Extended suspensions Severe violations ▪ Expulsion ▪ Law enforcement take over
No Fight Policy Dress Code Modest necklines No sweat pants, athletic shorts, leggings No sagging No inappropriate images or writing Shirts below the butt must be tucked in No cut-offs No holes or cuts above the knee No sunglasses or hats in the building Facial jewelry is prohibited School has final say on what is appropriate
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Sign the Student Acknowledgment