Propaganda and Censorship GCSE
Joseph Goebbels He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest associates and most devout followers Reich Minister of Propaganda
Nuremberg Rallies
Goebbels masterminded campaign to encourage every German to have a radio – why? All broadcasts carefully controlled by Hitler and with short frequency ranges – why? Radio’s placed in factories, cafes and streets – why?
Non Nazi Papers – Shut Down No Chance For Freedom Of Speech News was biased in favour of the Nazi’s Editors told what to write Sales of papers went down
The Cinema was an excellent tool for propaganda – Why? Goebbels insisted he saw all scripts before letting the film get made – Why? The Cinema turned out to be an effective propaganda tool for the Nazi’s with Goebbels insisting on seeing every script before allowing the film to get made – why do you think this was? ‘Triumph of the Will’ ‘The Eternal Jew’
Books, Theatre, Art & Music Jazz Music Banned Book Burning Sessions Modern Art Destroyed Artists / Poets / Writers persuaded to create work in a Pro Nazi / Hitler image
Questions Read pages 52 – 56 in your books In a short paragraph, define in your own words what you think propaganda is? Why was Goebbels an important Nazi? The radio was fundamental to the Nazi propaganda effort – why was this? How did the Nazis suppress the freedom of the Press?
Questions Look at the table on page 54, why would the Nazi’s want people to celebrate the events given? Read source B and make a table with two headings, one saying ‘Giving in to Propaganda’ and the other ‘Resisting Propaganda’ and find three bits of evidence for each one In your opinion, what do you think is the most effective form of propaganda? Explain your reason