Federally Funded Youth-Serving Programs in New Orleans (as of 6/8/07 in Orleans Parish)
Update. Overview of the Site. Next Steps.
UPDATE: We currently have 63 programs on the staging site. We have received information from all of the participating agencies. To date, we have focused our efforts in Orleans Parish, but intend to expand to include all four parishes: Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard.
Federally Funded Youth-Serving Programs in New Orleans
The Current Data Collection Process: Data Requests from the Council Member Agencies yielded varying levels of information. A significant amount of information was received about formula/block grant programs that have since been disbursed to service providing organizations. Currently, the Council Member Agencies are working with OJJDP to collect additional information on programs from their grantees. In many instances this requires follow-up calls to those agencies that are administering the formula and block grant programs. An Excel spreadsheet was sent to the respective agencies for completion. OJJDP will continue data collection efforts via phone calls, s, and other research tools. Data will be updated and presented on the site accordingly.
NEXT STEPS: Go live with the site on July 1, Expand the list of programs to Jefferson, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard Parishes. Add additional functionality to the information provided.Add additional functionality to the information provided
Example of possible future website