Duties of Team Members Designer Engineer Writer Camera-Person
Designer Leadership Issues – Communication Establish roles of other members of team Lead discussions to solve problems Incorporate best ideas of every member of team – Project Design Establish limits (with input from team) of project Establish problems to be solved by – Engineers – Writer – Camera Person
Designer Page 2 Set deadlines with input from team Establish test parameters for project – Skills necessary Understanding of math and science needed Ability to make decisions Ability to get others to arrive at a consensus Ability to reduce to project to a set of clear and concise steps Ability to help maintain a creative, exciting, and focused atmosphere of the group
Engineer(s) Leadership Issues – Communication Explain to other members of team the issues of – Computer programming – Mathematics – Materials choices – Limitations of the above Work with other members of team to arrive at a design that is doable according to the limits of programs and materials
Engineers Page 2 – Project issues Establish a list of problems – What components to use? (Materials) – What is the input of the project? – What is the outcome? – What tools (programs, motors, cameras, sensing devices) are available to solve problem? Working with input from other members of team, help establish a sequence of procedures Input information into programs to control object Construct with help of other team members the object
Engineers Page 3 – Skills necessary Sufficient mathematics to understand what is needed to program robot Sufficient computer skills to create a program to control robot Communication skills to work with other members of team Ability to visualize final product Willingness to create a step-by-step approach to problem solving Ability to SOLVE PROBLEMS
Writer Leadership Issues – Organization of multiple points of view into a coherent picture (very important) – Observation of all facets of a project – Project issues Your words give meaning and focus to project Your organization will aid Designer and Engineers to communicate with each other Your questions should ground project and help give it focus
Writer Page 2 – Project Duties Take notes of all meetings of the team Be a word smith to find language that eases points of conflict between other members of the team Establish deadlines for the final presentation Establish the limits of the final presentation Working with the camera person from the first minutes, establish sufficient documentation for the final presentation
Writer Page 3 – Skills Ability to observe accurately Ability to record observations with a little bias as possible Ability to take technical issues and organize them into a coherent, concise, and delightful explanation Ability to understand the issues in mathematics/Science/Engineering of team Ability to ORGANIZE the final presentation
Camera Person Leadership Issues – Communication Explain to the team the limits of the camera Establish camera positions for the team as it works Remind the team that your pictures will make or break the quality of the final presentation Ask questions so that you can capture with camera the most important aspects of the project
Camera Person Page 2 – Project Issues Main problem: find out from the other team members what is important to film Establish camera positions so that you are in position to capture important moments with the team Establish a shooting schedule so that your team has sufficient evidence for final presentation Learn the camera and its strengths/limitations Work very closely with the Writer so that you maintain a consensus of what needs to be done
Camera Person Page 3 – Skills Ability to understand the issues of the project: math, science, communication Ability to work closely with the Designer and Writer to create the final presentation Ability to frame pictures in the camera Ability to control and understand what can be done with the camera Ability with writer to take the clips captured and edit them (this is the difficult one)
Issues of Final Presentation Audience Format Script Pictures/Clips Descriptions of the activities of team Listing of accomplishments of team
Issues of Final Presentation 2 Practical Issues – Who speaks? – Timeline of activities – Main points of presentation? – What visuals: pictures, clips (video)? – Time limit of Presentation