K O N F E R E N C E Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu ČR 14. června 2007 Michnův palác, Praha OPERAČNÍ PROGRAM PODNIKÁNÍ A INOVACE Investice do Vaší budoucnosti P R E S S C O N F E R E N C E Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic 4 December 2007 Boscolo Carlo IV, Prague OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME ENTERPRISE AND INNOVATIONS Support for Czech enterprises for the following seven years of the new programming period Ing. Martin Říman Minister of Industry and Trade
a follow-up to the Operational programme Industry and Enterprise (OPIE) for the shortened programming period implemented through 15 subprogrammes of support, that means 6 content priorities total allocation from SF in 2007 – 2013 incl. national co- financing amounts to nearly 100 bn CZK global objective: to increase the competitiveness of the Czech economy and to bring the innovational performance of the sector of industry and services closer to the level of leading industrial European countries until the end of the programming period OPEI Operational programme Enterprise and Innovations (OPEI)
Schedule Announced OPEI programmes from 1 March 2007 (receipt of registration applications from 1 March): DEVELOPMENT – 1st round of receiving full applications has been finished; expected 2nd call on ; round call MARKETING – receipt of full applications within 1st call will be finished on , continual, time limited call from 1 June 2007 (receipt of registration applications from 1 June): ICT in ENTERPRISES – deadline for the submission of full applications on 29 December INNOVATIONS – Innovation project – 1st round for the submission of full applications has been finished, expected announcement of 2nd call on 1 May 2008
Schedule Announced OPPI programmes POTENTIAL – deadline for the submission of full applications for 1st call on 31 December ECO-ENERGY – deadline for the submission of applications on 1 July, full applications from 1 November, deadline for the submission of full applications on 31December from 1 July 2007 (credit programmes implemented in cooperation with CZMR Bank): START, PROGRES, GUARANTEE
Schedule Expected announcement of other programmes on 2 January 2008 ICT and strategic services – registration of applications from 1 March REAL ESTATES - registration of applications from 1 March INNOVATIONS – Patent – registration of applications from 1 June POTENCIAL (2nd call) – registration of applications from 1 June TRAINING CENTERS - registration of applications from 1 June Other programmes PROSPERITY – ongoing pre-notifikation negociations with the EC COOPERATION – there is still no consensus on an approach for the implementation of the programme, related to the OP VaVpI, possibly it has to be notified
Implementation of OPEI up to now 2674 registration applications received (the demanded funding amounts to more than 20,5 bn CZK) 1158 full project applications (in the amount of 4,7 bn CZK) MTI assumes, that first decisions about the allocation of subsidies for the programmes of support DEVELOPMENT and MARKETING will be made until the end of 2007 MTI assumes, that in the 1st phase of the calls there will be funding in the total amount of 5,6 bn CZK Current situation with OPEI:
OPIE Operational programme Industry and Enterprise (OPIE) for OPIE the total amount of 347,8 m € (ca. 9,4 bn CZK) incl. national co-financing was appropriated the total allocation from SF in 2004 – 2006 was € (ca. 7,5 milliard CZK) from 31 October 2007 MTI provided subsidies in the amount of 5,057 bn CZK for successful projects, which have been implemented by concrete enterprises possibility of drawing on funds until 2008! until the end of 2008 there are 4,3 bn CZK to be payed out in the department of industry and trade
Drawings from OPIE
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