Remembering what we learned – Add music – Script writing – Viewing dailies – Special Effects – Set Design – Costume Design – Storyboards – Editing – Shooting the Movie – Adding Sound FX
Moving fast…don’t get lost! The Video Frame “What you see is what you get”
The Frame is it If it is outside the frame, it does not exist to the viewer. – For it to be there, you have to imply that the object is there. – You can do this with sound and music. Height and breadth is controlled solely by the frame. – You can fool the frame by placing items at differing distances. – Lenses can adjust perspective.
Positioning the Subject in the Frame Do not cut off heads or give too much space above the head. Place the subject with a small amount of room at the top of the head.
Look Room… Leave space where the subject on the screen is looking or speaking.
Lead Room Give space for the subject to move towards. – We want to see where they are heading. We already know where they came from. – You can always cut back to a shot of what is chasing them or what they are fleeing. When you have two or more subjects chasing each other in a shot, place lead room at the head of the front subject
Fool the eye HOW CAN YOU… – Jump onto a high object? – Make an angel appear on your shoulder or hand? – Climb a wall? – Hang on the ledge of a high rise building?
Speed Time in the real world moves at a constant rate. Speed is a variable that can be adjusted by the editor. Speed can move slow or fast depending on what you want the viewer to experience within the story/video.experience within the story/video Using speed effectively can enhance the emotion you want to evoke.
Time Flow Serial Time Flow – A stream of events that move forward in a single sequence. – Most common because that is how we perceive reality – You can still shorten things in serial time flow by using your shots creatively. A B C
Time Flow Parallel Time Flow – Two or more sequences of action that are happening at the same time. – You are seeing the same moment of time twice. – Editing technique called cross cutting is used to create this type of flow. – Creates drama.
Time Flow Disjointed Time Flow – Describes the way the sequences are recorded in production. – Films and videos are rarely shot in the sequence the film/video is shown.