Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey WP3: Data validation and MSFD interaction EMODnet Chemistry Partner WP coordinator: ISPRA
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey QA/QC Questionnaire Partner’s logo On 20 th January 2015 a QA/QC Questionnaire was requested to all partners. To be sent by s to It consists of two separate files: Questionnaire QA_QC_May 2014.docx QA_QC_Questionnaire seawater_biota_sediment_May 2014.xlsx Such Questionnaire is intended to be a tool to collect information on QA/QC applied to parameters analysis and monitoring prior to data management process, so called ex-ante quality controls. Questionnaire should be filled by data producers or data providers that are directly responsible for data collection or monitoring.
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey Structure of QA/QC Questionnaire Partner’s logo Questionnaire QA_QC_May 2014.docx is separated into three sections: a)General questions of laboratory QA/QC according to ISO Guide 17025:2005 (also requested by EQS EU Directive 2008/105) b)General to all matrices c)Specific to matrices Sections b) and c) implies to fill tables contained into excel file QA_QC_Questionnaire seawater_biota_sediment_May 2014.xlsx.
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey QA/QC Questionnaires collection: current status Partner’s logo We received 10 questionnaires Not for all matrices there are data. Probably not all matrices are monitored? Very few data for Antifoulants, Pharmaceuticals, Heavy metals, Radionuclides, plastics General remark: Please specify explicitly your Institute or Organization
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey QA/QC and MSFD interactions: same clarifications Partner’s logo According to art of EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Member States shall provide the Commission … with access and use rights in respect of data and information resulting from the initial assessments … and the monitoring programmes Chemical monitoring programmes are also base on EU EQS Directive which requires ISO QA/QC Questionnaire is related to data production and chemical analytical methods implementation not on data collection or aggregation
Annual Meeting, June , Istanbul, Turkey QA/QC Questionnaire planned actions Partner’s logo Urge to obtain QA/QC Questionnaires by other partners. Also negative response is useful, i.e. no such information is available QA/QC Questionnaires info is crucial for use of data for MSFD implementation. Quality compliant to EQS Directive is a pre-requisite How to use such information in SeaDataNet? Probably QF is not enough Last remark: for MSFD elaboration “0 values” have to be discarded or used only as an indication for trend analysis.