Www.jrc.ec.europa.eu Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Workshop on the INSPIRE registry and registers Pavel Vaniš & Czech Office.


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Presentation transcript:

Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Workshop on the INSPIRE registry and registers Pavel Vaniš & Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (ČÚZK)

Registry developments and plans Involved organisations / governance: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, some registries adopted from data administrators (Land Survey Office, Road Databank, T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, Energy Regulatory Office, Ministries etc.) Scope  NSDI, (CZ)-INSPIRE, cross-sector Content  Which registers are (planned to be) included: –registers of Fundamental Base of Geographical Data (ZABAGED) + from data administrators; – specific content of Base Registers, esp. the Base Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates

Technical overview Technologies / software used Oracle database 11g Software LicenceCommercial Access & re-use conditions ? Values in ZABAGED Feature Catalogue (pdf), no re- use conditions; Content and IDs from the Base Registers is free off charge and broadly re-used by and within public authorities in the Czech Republic; the RUIAN data and data-sets are broadly re-used free off charge in general Standards usedAccording to data administrators; ISO and INSPIRE Implementing Rules; national standards/acts as regards specific IDs of/in public information systems and registers (RPP, ROS, ISISVS, ISDP) Formats and APIs supported Registries are available in frame of ZABAGED Feature Catalogue (pdf)

Connecting registries Existing connections to other registries  which ones: RUIAN; other base registers e.g. ROS (UIDs of public legal entities), RPP (UIDs of public agendas crucial for the access rights and procedures - AAA)  how is the connection implemented: –automatically downloaded xml and SQL procedure with comparison with automated changes, in other cases comparison of new data with existing registries and their update –Via ISZR (IS of Base Registers) – the RPP provides UIDs of public agendas crucial for the access rights and procedures - AAA); –RUIAN provides addresses and Ids of spatial admin. units to all other registers and ISs in Czech public administration (continuously up-dated). Requirements for connections to the INSPIRE registry? : Not specified yet

Future development of INSPIRE registry How are you using / planning to use the INSPIRE registry (software or service)?  use cases: URI used in GML output for INSPIRE download service for validation  applications: Which additional features would you like to see? Which additional content would you like to see?  missing values e.g. –NamedPlace - grammaticalNumber - pluraleTantum –RoadServiceType - roadServiceType – gasStation (and remove „fuel“ from availableFacility), may the same for toilets –FormOfWay – formOfWay – revision, e.g. missing street, cycleAndPedestrianPath, dirtRoad

Pointers and additional information what vertical position is for metro in the bridge or elevated tube? should the physical waters have the same segmentation as network model? Then the value „pseudoNode“ is missing for hydroNodeCategory Comment: Ids used nationally often depend on the terminology and structure given by law(s); any new IDs require to open a process for reaching semantic and legal interoperabilities (which needs a lot of time and effort)