Early Childhood Outcomes State Performance Plan Indicator Data Submission TEA│Division of IDEA Coordination
Table of Contents State Performance Overview - slides 4-6 SPP 7: Early Child Outcomes - slides 7-21 Online Data Collection - slides Entry Child Outcome: Input entry data - slides Exit Child Outcome: Input exit data - slides Campus Home Page: Assessment, viewing & deleting records, and submitting data - slides District Home Page: Certifying data - slide Request TEA Return - slides Submitting When There is No Data - slide Reports - slides Printing reports - slides Shared Service Arrangements and TEASE – slides Data Integrity - slides TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination2SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
State Performance Plan TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination3SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination4 Law requires Texas to collect data on 20 indicators SPP Indicator 7: Early Childhood Outcomes Team records entry and exit Child Outcome data on *COSF Data is entered in online data collection application Progress data is calculated and reported State, ESCs and LEAs use data to improve programs for children with disabilities Data Collection Process: Improving Program Effectiveness State Performance Plan Process * Child Outcome Summary Form SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Federal Requirements: Data Collection TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination5 When the IDEA was reauthorized in 2004, the law was amended to require that each State develop a State Performance Plan (SPP). The SPP helps the State evaluate its efforts in implementing the requirements and purposes of the IDEA. The SPP includes baseline data, measurable and rigorous targets, and improvement activities for 20 SPP indicators such as meeting evaluation timelines for early childhood transition (SPP 12) and early childhood outcomes (SPP 7). The SPP can be found at Data is used for LEA determinations. SPP targets are publicly reported and accessible online. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
By Publicly Reporting the SPP Targets: Schools make informed, data driven decisions in order to impact program effectiveness. Children and youth experience effective programs and services that ensure positive outcomes. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination6 SPP: Improving Education
SPP 7: Early Childhood Outcomes
SPP 7: Federal Reporting Categories Percentage of children 3-5 with IEPs who demonstrated improved outcomes. The three child outcomes: TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination 8 1. Children have positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships) 2. Children acquire and use knowledge and skills (including early language/communication [and early literacy]) 3. Children use appropriate behaviors to meet their needs SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
COSF: Data Collection Tool All districts and charters use the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) to gather data on the three childhood outcomes. The COSF collects entry and exit data on children in Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD). The entry and exit data are used to measure a child’s progress on the three outcomes while receiving services in the PPCD program. There are specific exit and entry definitions. The TEA only collects data on those children with both entry and exit outcome data. Completed COSF form(s) remain in the child’s eligibility folder. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination9SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
COSF: Data Collection Tool This data is submitted to the State. Once the COSF has been completed, the data is entered through the online application. The application is open from November 1 to August 31. Every district must report. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination10SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Instruments Used to Gather Data Districts and charter schools have flexibility in choosing the assessment instrument to evaluate a 3, 4, or 5 year- old child. Texas does not prescribe the use of any single assessment instrument to assess children. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination11SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry and Exit Definitions
Entry Definition Assessments must be conducted and results recorded on the COSF (within 30 school days) after a child, age 3, 4, or 5, has been found eligible and placed in the PPCD. Entry data collected on COSF form TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination 13SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Definition For a child with an Entry date and in the PPCD program at least 6 months Assessments must be conducted and results recorded on the COSF no earlier than 30 school days before a child, age 3, 4, or 5, is dismissed by ARD Committee. If a 5 year old turns 6 during the school year and the ARD has determined the child will continue receiving special education services in the PPCD program, then the assessment must be conducted and results recorded on the COSF no earlier than 30 school days before the child exits the program, which may be at the end of the school year. Exit data is collected on the COSF form TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination 14SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry and Exit data Do not have 6 months of service in the program. Moved to another district or out of state prior to recording exit data. Exit data are not reported for children with entry data who: TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination 15SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Prior to Submitting SPP 7 data SPP 7: Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) Training and Data Integrity Prior to inputting data, it’s important that school staff understand the directions for filling out the COSF, definitions of the outcomes ratings, and scoring methods. School personnel should contact their Education Service Center to receive the training on the five modules that support SPP 7: Early Childhood Outcomes. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination16SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Submitting Data to TEA TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination17 The State developed a web-based State Performance Plan Indicator 7 Application (SPP 7) for districts/charters to enter Entry and Exit data. Data is calculated for each district/ charter’s PPCD program and is publicly reported in the APR and TEA website. The SPP 7 Application can be accessed through the Texas Education Agency Security Environment (TEASE). In order for school personnel to access the application, TEASE roles must be obtained for the appropriate staff. See TEASE PPT for further information. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Submitting Data to TEA TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination18 TEASE roles allow staff personnel to enter, save, submit and certify data. Every district and charter must have one Certifier identified. For Security purposes, there can only be one Certifier per district for the SPP 7 online data collection application. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Revoking User Roles If the person established as the Certifier has left that position or the district, that role will need to be revoked by the Superintendent before a new Certifier can have access. The Superintendent must log into TEASE and access User Administration+ to revoke the role. More information including a self guided training presentation can be found at: TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination19SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Timeline for Submitting to TEA For school year: Application will open November 1, 2010 Application will close on August 31, 2011 The application will only allow data from the current fiscal year to be entered. Date services “Began” or “Ended” must be between July 1, 2010 – June 30, TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination20SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Before Using the Application TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination21 Did you read the help file? Did you read the FAQ? Did you receive training from the ESC? Is your TEASE account set up correctly? SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Accessing the Online Data Collection Application SPP 7 TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination22SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
TEASE Account Before users can log in to the online application, they must first have a TEASE account with a role that is connected to the district in which they are going to enter and/or certify the data. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination23SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Accessing the online data collection application TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination24 Log on to TEASE using correct Username and Password at us/apps/app_list.asp us/apps/app_list.asp ( The password can be reset by clicking the link below the login boxes.) On the Application List page, click the SPP 7 link Log On SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
SPP 7 Roles Roles: District Certifier – Can enter, submit and certify data for all campuses in district. Can access: Entry Child Outcomes, Exit Child Outcomes, Campus Home, District Home, Reports, and FAQ. Only one certifier per district Campus Data Entry Agent – Can enter and submit data for specific campus. Can access: Entry Child Outcomes, Exit Child Outcomes, Campus Home, Reports, and FAQ. District may have more than one data entry agent ESC Viewer – Can view regional data. Can access: District Home, Reports, and FAQ. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination25SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes Creating an Entry Record TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination26SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes Entry Child Outcomes Screen Click tab to enter information for each NEW child enrolled in PPCD. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination27SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Entering New Child Select year, district, and campus from the drop down menu Click the GO button. Data Entry Agents will only see campuses that they listed in their TEASE account. District Certifiers will see all campuses. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination28 Current year is the default SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Entering New Child Scroll to the PET match section in the middle of the screen.Enter the child’s SSN or Alt ID in the SSN/Alt ID field. Click on the PET Match button. (See slides for PET match issues) TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination29SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Entering New child When the system has found a matching record from the PET database, the child’s name is highlighted automatically. Once the child’s name is highlighted, the user may “click” the Select student button. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination30 Child data can only be entered if there is a PET match. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Entering New child data ) The system will fill in the child’s first name, last name, and date of birth. Select the child’s Primary Disability from the drop-down list and select the appropriate answer for Multiple Disabilities. Select the Instructional Setting from the drop-down menu. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination31 Please note: An Entry record can be saved with a status of “incomplete” when all demographic fields are entered SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Age Validation: Entry Child and Exit Child There is a validation on the Entry and Exit screen to make sure the child is between the ages 3 and 6. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination32 “The child’s age does not match Indicator 7 data collection requirements.” SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Entering New child data Scroll down to the next section of the screen and select the appropriate answers for questions 1a, 2a, and 3a. Click on the Save Child Outcome button. If all questions are not answered, the data can still be saved and the child’s survey status will show as “Incomplete”. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination33SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Entering New child data Click Save Child Outcome TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination34 ModeEdna7/07/07 Complete Edit When the data is saved, the child’s name will be listed at the top of the page. The child may have the status of complete or incomplete. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Editing Child’s Record TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination35 ModeEdna7/7/07 BunnyBugs7/7/07 Edit Complete You may edit a child’s entry record once it has been saved and in complete status. Any records entered in previous years can not be edited. They will be in view only. Once the campus data is submitted, the record is view only and can not be edited. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Entry Child Outcomes: Data entered from previous years Entries from previous year/years can be viewed on the Entry screen by selecting the appropriate School Year, District, and Campus from the drop-down lists and then click on the GO button. The records will be view only. Use this function to check that all child entries from the previous year are in the system. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination36SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Transfer child: Within District For a child who has existing entry data and moves between campuses in the same district, the entry data can be transferred from the previous campus to receiving campus. The data entry agent enters the child’s SSN/ Alt ID, then follows the prompt allowing the transfer of data from campus to campus. Move campuses within district (transfer within district) TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination37SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Transfer child: To new District TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination38 Create a new entry record for this child. Assessments must be reviewed and conducted before results are recorded on the COSF after a child, age 3, 4, or 5, has transferred into PPCD from another district. Completed COSF form(s) remain in the child’s eligibility folder. Thirty school days to complete COSF Moves to new district/ charter SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination39 PET Match Problems Part 1 No PET Match: First check to make sure the correct SSN/Alt ID was entered. Also, check with the PEIMS Coordinator to make sure the child has the correct SSN/Alt ID. Continued PET match Problems: Verify with PEIMS Coordinator that the child (including all EE children) has a current and up to date PET Entry. If there is no current PET Entry, the PEIMS Coordinator will need to make a PET Entry for the child using the current campus number. If there is a current PET Entry, the PEIMS Coordinator will need to verify that the PET entry contains the campus # of the campus requesting the PET Match. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination40 PET Match Problems Part 2 When there is a PET Entry for this child and still cannot achieve a PET Match in SPP7 then…… Have the PEIMS Coordinator check their PET 2D001 Report (PET PID Statement of Discrepancies) to verify: If an error has occurred for this particular child, then the PEIMS Coordinator will need to check the PET Record to the PID database. If: The PET Record is incorrect, the PEIMS Coordinator will need to submit a corrected PET Record. OR If: The PID Record is incorrect the PEIMS Coordinator will need to provide copies of documents to verify any change. (Only designated personnel in each district are allowed this level of access to the system.) SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes Creating an Exit Record TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination41SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes: Things to Remember After a child’s Entry record is complete and the child has been in the program for a least 6 months, an Exit record can be added for that child. Once an Exit Record is started and saved the Entry record cannot be modified or changed. Remember changes can only be made to Entry records from the current year. All Entry records from a previous year cannot be modified. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination42SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes Exit Child Outcomes Screen After a child’s Entry record is complete, an Exit record can be added for that child. Click the tab to enter Exit information for children with Entry records. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination43SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes Select year, district, and campus from the drop down menu. Click the GO button. Data Entry Agents will only see campuses that they listed in their TEASE account. District Certifiers will see all campuses. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination44SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes To add an Exit record, click on the Edit button located to the left of the child’s name. The child’s information will pre-fill in text boxes. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination45SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes Select an Exit Reason from the drop down list. Options are: Child has aged out Dismissed by ARDC Enter the Date Services Ended. (The child’s Primary Disability can not be changed on the Exit Record). Answer the Multiple Disabilities question. Select the Instructional Setting. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination 46SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes Scroll down to the next section of the screen. Select the appropriate answers for questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, and 3a, 3b. Click on the Save Child Outcome button. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination47SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Exit Child Outcomes: Editing Child’s Record TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination48 Edit Bunny ModeEdna Bugs 7/7/07 7/17/07 Complete Exit You may edit a child’s exit record once it has been saved and in complete status. Any records entered in previous years can not be edited. They will be in view only. Once the campus data has been submitted, the record is view only and can not be edited. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Campus Home Page Assessment Viewing and Deleting Records Submitting Data SPP 7 TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination49SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Campus Home Page Click on the Campus Home tab to: View and choose the assessment instruments used by each campus. Submit campus data to the District Certifier so the data can be certified. Delete a child’s record. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination50SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Campus Home Page TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination51 Campus information and status are displayed, including the nine digit campus number. Select year and campus from the drop down menu. Click the GO button. Data Entry Agents can only select campuses that they listed in their TEASE account. District Certifiers can select all campuses. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Click the check box in front of each assessment instrument used by the campus. At least ONE assessment instrument must be selected. If Other is selected, name/names of the assessment tool/tools must be provided in the text box. Provide exact name of tool. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination52 Campus Home Page SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Campus Home Page: View child List A list of children who have been submitted for the campus is displayed at the bottom of the screen. All child data must be in “complete” status before the campus data can be submitted. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination53 ModeEdna BunnyBugs 7/7/77 1/1/77 SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Campus Home Page: Deleting Child’s Record A campus in “Not Submitted” status may delete a child’s record.If an Exit record is deleted, the entry record will also be deleted.The child’s record must be in “Complete” status before it can be deleted. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination54 ModeEdna7/7/77 BunnyBugs1/1/77 Complete SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Campus Home Page: Submitting Campus Data Before submitting: Verify all data is in “Complete” status Make sure assessment tools have been marked Confirm that assurance statements at the bottom of the screen have been reviewed and checked To submit, click the Submit Campus Student RecordAfter submitting campus: Verify that the campus status changes from Not Submitted to Submitted Contact district certifier to inform them the campus has been submitted TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination 55 SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
District Home Page Certifying the Data Update: January 2011 SPP 7 TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination56SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
District Home Page Click on the District Home tab to: Verify every campus in district is in submitted status Verify that the data entered is accurate and reliable. Certify district data by clicking the Certify button TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination57SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
District Home Page TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination58 New 2011: To validate that all data is accurately reported, every elementary campus located within the district will submit data for the SPP7 application. Click on numbers at the bottom of table to scroll through campuses SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
District Home Page TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination59 Certifying Data All campuses MUST be in submitted status prior to certifying the district data. Data Entry agents will need to include middle and high school campuses in their TEASE accounts SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
District Home Page TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination60 The Certify button will be come active once all campuses are in “submitted” status. The District Certifier will be able to check the assurance statement Click the Certify button SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Certifying Data When you click the Certify button, you are assuring the State that you are submitting valid and reliable data. NOTE: After the closing date of August 31, TEA can not return data and there is no “appeals process”. Once your data has been submitted for SPP 11, 12 or 13, it is final. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination61 I understand and agree that submission of this information constitutes certification that this data are accurate and meets the reporting requirements outlined by the Texas Education Agency Division of IDEA Coordination. CERTIFY
Request Return from TEA Update: January 2011 SPP 7 TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination62SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Overview of the Return Process TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination63 Notify TEA Certifier sends to SPP mailbox (TEA) TEA responds by returning data District Status: Certified changes to TEA Returned District Home page: Certifier returns data to the Data Entry Agent Campus Status: Submitted changes to LEA Returned Child Outcome and Campus Home page: Data Entry Agent edits and saves the data Campus Home Page: Data Entry agent resubmits data to Certifier Campus status: Lea Returned changes to Submitted District Home page: Certifier certifies the data. Final status is TEA Returned changes to Certified SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Request TEA Return : Notify TEA TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination64 to request a The subject line should read: Return SPP 7: District Name The body of the should include: the name of the district the 6 digit county district number the name and title of individual requesting the data returned Please return SPP 7 data for Edna Mode Creative Charter School. CDN: Thank you, Edna Mode Special Ed. Director SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
District Home- Returning Campus Data SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination65 District Home: A status change from “Certified” to “TEA Returned” indicates the data has been returned by TEA. If the district is in “Not Certified” or “TEA Returned” status, the campus level data may be returned by the Certifier to the Data Entry Agent through the “Campus Return Process”.
District Home: Campus Return Process SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination Select a campus by clicking the button next to the campus. 2.Select return reason from drop down menu. 3.Type notes in Return Notes text box. 4.Click “Return”. District Home Page: Campus Return Process
Campus Home: Resubmit Campus Data SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination67 Notify the Data Entry agent that the campus data has been returned. In LEA Returned status, the Data Entry agent may edit data. When finished, the campus will need to be resubmitted. To resubmit to the Certifier, the Data Entry agent will click the campus home page. Check the assurance statements and click Submit Campus Student Records. Status will change to “Submitted”.
District Home: Certifying “TEA Returned” SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination68 1. Verify all campuses are in submitted status. 2. Read and check assurance statement. 3. Click “Certify”. 4. The Status will change from TEA Returned, to Certified. District Admin. Page
Certifying when there is no Data to Submit Update: January 2011 SPP 7 TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination69SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
No Data to Submit TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination70 If your district has no data to submit, select the Entry Child Outcome page SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination71 No Student Data to Submit Select district and campus. Click “Go”. Scroll down to page. Click the link below the student records table: “Click here if you have no student data to submit.”
SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination No Student Data to Submit Once the link is selected on the Entry Child Outcome page, the user will be directed to the Campus Admin page to complete the submission. 72
SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination No Student Data to Submit Scroll down page. Read and check assurances and click submit.Status will change to “Submitted.”Verify that the campus status changes from Not Submitted to SubmittedContact district certifier to inform them the campus has been submitted Camus Admin. page 73
Reports SPP 7 TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination74SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
User Roles: Not all users can view all reports. View is based on the user’s role in the application. ESC Viewer ESC viewer has access to the districts and campuses that are within the ESC’s region. District Certifier Certifier has access to their district, campus, and child-level reports. They also have access to statewide totals and some regional data. Data Entry Agent Data Entry Agent has access to their assigned campus and child-level reports. They also have access to statewide totals and some regional data. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination75
Report Type: ESC Viewer ESC Viewer: Reports Available Time in Program Status Report Certified-No Student Data to Submit Assessment Instruments Demographics Progress Data SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination76
ESC Viewer: Time in Program Time in Program: View child count by age and length of time in program from Entry to Exit. District Report Campus Report SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination77
ESC Viewer: Status Report Status Report: View district status of certified, not certified, inactive. Regional Report by District: ESC can view districts in own region Regional Report by District by Campus. ESC can view districts and campuses in own region SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination78
ESC Viewer: Certified-No Student Data to Submit Certified-No Student Data to Submit: View list of campuses or districts that have no student data to submit. Regional Report by District by campus: ESC can view districts in own region SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination79
ESC Viewer: Assessment Instruments Assessment Instruments: View the list of assessment instruments and a list of “others” used by the district. Statewide Report Regional Report District Report SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination80
ESC Viewer: Demographics Demographics: View age and disability Statewide Report Regional Report: ESC can view regional data only District Report: ESC can view districts in own region Campus Report: ESC can view campuses in own region SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination81
ESC Viewer: Progress Data Progress Data: View the three Early Childhood Outcomes results. Current year is available after TEA finalizes. Previous years available for view. Statewide Report by Region Regional Report by District District Report by Campus SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination82 Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3
Report Type: District Certifier District Certifier: Reports Available Time in Program Status Certified-No Student Data to Submit Assessment Instruments Demographics Progress Data Student Potentially Aging Out SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination83
District Certifier: Time in Program Time in Program: View child count by age and length of time in program from Entry to Exit. District Report: Certifiers can view district data only Campus Report: Certifiers can view campus level data SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination84
District Certifier: Status Report Status Report: View district status of certified, not certified and inactive. District Report by Campus: Certifiers can view district data only SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination85
District Certifier: Certified-No Student Data to Submit Certified-No Student Data to Submit: View list of campuses that have no student data to submit. District Report by Campus: Certifiers can view campus data in own district only SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination86
District Certifier : Demographics Demographics: View age and disability. Statewide Report Regional Report: Certifiers can view their regional totals only District Report: Certifiers can view district data only Campus Report: Certifiers can view campus data in own district only SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination87
District Certifier : Assessment Instruments Assessment Instruments: View the list of assessment instruments and a list of “others” used by the district. Statewide Report Regional Report: Certifiers can view their regional data only District Report: Certifiers can view district data only SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination88
District Certifier: Progress Data Progress Data: View the three Early Childhood Outcomes results. Current year is available after TEA finalizes. Previous years available for view. Statewide Report by Region Regional Report by District District Report by Campus SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination89 Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3
District Certifier: Students Potentially Aging Out Students Potentially Aging Out: View a list of children potentially aging out of the program. This report is only available to District Certifiers. It should be used as part of their data quality review. District Report by Campus by Child Campus Report by child SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination90
Report Type: Data Entry Agent Data Entry Agent: Reports Available Time in Program Assessment Instruments Demographics SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination91
Data Entry Agent: Time in Program Time in Program: View child count by age and length of time in program from Entry to Exit. District Report: Data Entry agents can view district data Campus Report: Data Entry agents can view campus level data SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination92
Data Entry agent: Assessment Instruments Assessment Instruments: View the list of assessment instruments and a list of “others” used by the district. Statewide Report Regional Report: Data Entry Agents can view their regional data only District Report: Data Entry Agents can view district data only SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination93
Data Entry Agent: Demographics Demographics: View age and disability. Statewide Report District Report: Data Entry Agents can view district data only Campus Report: Data Entry Agents can view own campus data only SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination94 xxxx
Accessing Reports: SPP 7 Click on the “Reports” tab on navigation bar. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination95
Accessing Reports: SPP 7 Most reports have the option of being run by district, campus or statewide level. Choose the report type and click the desired report level. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination96 Report levels
Accessing Reports: Confidential Information The Confidential Information screen will appear once per day. Key points to remember: The information being accessed is confidential. Username and date is displayed on all pages. Follow proper procedures when accessing or distributing confidential reports. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination97
Accessing Reports: Options Report options for most reports are similar. SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination98 Filtering options
Report Features: Overview TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination Page Navigation- Allows user to scroll through pages Sorting Options- alphabetically or numerically by using column hyperlinks Printing options- Export to PDF or Excel Printing Header- Report type, level, & year Footer- Date, additional info, & confidentiality message SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Printing Reports SPP 7 SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination100
PDF: Printing and Saving Click print icon, choose PDF format from drop down SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination101 PDF Format: Save, print, or scroll through multiple pages
Excel Spreadsheet: Printing and Saving Click print icon, choose Excel format from drop down SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination102 Excel Format: Save, change format, and organize data to meet specific needs
Shared Service Arrangements and TEASE TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination103SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Shared Services Arrangements Special Education Directors of SSAs have a responsibility to assist member districts in collecting the data and determining who will be responsible for reporting the data. SSAs must have a TEASE ID for each member district. For example, an SSA with 9 districts will report the children for each district using 9 different TEASE IDs. See TEASE PPT for additional information. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination104SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Data Integrity SPP 7 SPP7 Data Collection 10-11TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination105
Data Integrity Why is data integrity important? States and LEAs are required to provide valid and reliable data that reflect the measurement for each SPP indicator This requirement is a factor in the state and local determination process TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination106SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Data Integrity How can you ensure data integrity? Review the SPP7 Data Integrity Checklist on the TEA website at: TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination107SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Data Integrity Data Integrity Consequences Data submitted and certified by districts and charter schools through the TEASE applications for SPP Indicator 7 are considered final and will be used by the Agency in the annual Determinations analysis on whether or not districts and charter schools are reporting valid and reliable data. Any issues related to the submission of inaccurate data or the non- submission of data will be addressed by the Division of IDEA Coordination. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination108SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
TEASE INFORMATION TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination109 Online TEASE form for those requesting access to SPP7: TEASE Application ReferenceTEASE Application Reference (links to TEASE Guidance) TEASE Getting Started Quick ReferenceTEASE Getting Started Quick Reference (two-page document) SPP7 Data Collection 10-11
Copyright (c) Texas Education Agency, These materials are copyrighted (c) and trademarked (tm) as the property of the Texas Education Agency and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the Texas Education Agency, except under the following conditions: 1) Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts' and schools' educational use without obtaining permission from the Texas Education Agency; 2) Residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of the Texas Education Agency; 3) Any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way; 4) No monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. Private entities or persons located in Texas that are not Texas public school districts or Texas charter schools or any entity, whether public or private, educational or non- educational, located outside the state of Texas MUST obtain written approval from the Texas Education Agency and will be required to enter into a license agreement that may involve the payment of a licensing fee or a royalty fee. TEA l Division of IDEA Coordination110 Copyright (c) Texas Education Agency, SPP7 Data Collection 10-11