Horse Shoe Block Diagram SENSOR 1 SENSOR 2 SENSOR 3 SENSOR 4-8 MSP430 1 MSP430 2 MSP430 3 MSP MSP430 MASTER SENSOR SPI BUS A 1)User pushes button on MASTER to initiate data collection process. 2)MASTER controller initiates the sequence by triggering a common interrupt line across all sensor MSPs. 3)The sensor MSPs, begin collecting data from it’s associated sensor logging results to FLASH memory. 4)Each sensor pulls a line high indicating it is done collecting data. The DONE lines are AND-ed together to provide a single indicator line to the MSATER that all data collection is complete. 5)MASTER then reads each sensor through SPI bus and dumps data onto FLASH drive for subsequent reading by Excel A B B AB Interrupt DONE
Memory Map 0xFFCF 0xF800 1,983 Bytes 0xFFFF 0xFFC0 64 Bytes 0x10FF 0x1000 0x027F 0x Bytes 0x01FF 0x Bytes Peripherals RAM Main Interrupts 0xFA00 0xFC00 0xFE00 SEGMENT 0 SEGMENT 1 SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 3 Your Program starts loading here SEGMENT B SEGMENT A (Block 0-7) SEGMENT C SEGMENT D 0x1040 0x1080 0x10C0 0x103F 0x107F 0x10BF 256 Bytes Information
Memory Map Sensor (Slave) Storage 0xFFCF 0xF800 1,983 Bytes 0xFFFF 0xFFC0 64 Bytes 0x10FF 0x1000 0x027F 0x Bytes 0x01FF 0x Bytes Peripherals RAM Main Interrupts 0xFA00 0xFC00 0xFE00 SEGMENT 0 SEGMENT 1 SEGMENT 2 SEGMENT 3 Your Program starts loading here SEGMENT B SEGMENT A (Block 0-7) SEGMENT C SEGMENT D 0x1040 0x1080 0x10C0 0x103F 0x107F 0x10BF 256 Bytes Information Sensors (Slave MSPs) store ADC results in a few different locations (segments) in FLASH memory. The program performs 704 ADC reads of the sensors at 8-bit resolution. The results are stored in the following locations in FLASH memory: 1)Segment 1 of Main Memory (512 bytes) 2)Segment D of Information Memory (64 Bytes) 3)Segment C of Information Memory (64 Bytes) 4)Segment B of Information Memory (64 Bytes) Total 704 Bytes
Horse Shoe ADC Sensor Samples FLASH Memory Total 250 Samples 25 Samples/Second Over 10 Second period Each sample requires 3 Bytes 10 bit ADC (2 Bytes) Sequence number (1 Byte) Total Storage required 250*3=750 Bytes ADC (2 Bytes), Sequence # (1 Byte) Second
Program Sequence User Pushes Button SLAVE 1 SLAVE 2 SLAVE 3 SLAVE n Put Address for 1 st slave on Address Bus Wait for ALL DONE indicator from Salve MSPs Master MSP430 Pause 1 Second Read ADC Store ADC Reading & Sequence # in FLASH Indicate Done Erase FLASH 250 times Pause 1/30 th Second Interrupt Erase Thumb Drive SPI Read Slave Data Write Slave Data to Thumb Drive Next Slave 8 times Close Thumb Drive Wait for /CS SPI Data From FLASH to MASTER START END EACH SLAVE
DONE Signal After the Interrupt signal is received (when the user presses the start button) – The Slave MSP430s start to collect & store sensor data – When they are finished they send back a DONE signal to the Master MSP430, – When the Master has received the DONE signal indicating ALL of the Slaves have completed their data collection, then Master can start the phase where Master collects the data from each Slave To save Chip-count & cost – The Slaves’ DONE signals are cascaded – Slave 8 signals DONE to Slave 7 – After Slave 7 completes it’s data collection AND receives a DONE signal from Slave 8, Slave 7 signals DONE to Slave 6 – And so on until all Slaves are DONE – Slave 1 signals DONE to Master indicating that ALL Slaves are DONE SLAVE 1 SLAVE 2 SLAVE 3 SLAVE n MASTER DONE
Flowchart User Pushes Button Sends Interrupt to Master & Salves Salves Pause for 1 second, Read & store data Master waits until it received READY signal from all Slaves Salves send READY signal to Master Master reads each Slaves data one at a time, storing results in FLASH Drive Salves send Data to Master when asked