LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Ingrid Oborn Update February 2, 2015 LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Farming system diagnosis and related entry points for multi-purpose legumes in farming systems and synthesis of lessons learnt across all Action Sites Output 1 sets the scene for project interventions by: Assessing current contributions of legumes to rural livelihoods (Activity 1.1) Assessing current institutional environment within which smallholders operate (Activity 1.2) Identification of entry points for legume intensification and diversification, based on results from above activities and secondary information (Activity 1.3) A cross-site analysis of the lessons learnt through will produce IPGs, for use within and beyond the Humidtropics Action Areas (Activity 1.4) LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
MayJuneJulyAugustSeptOctNovDec Assemble maps of key layers in each field site ( Bernard ) List of wealth indicators on which to base typology (Alan/Peter) Decision on criteria for stratification (Generose) First village meeting to introduce project, confirm typologies, decide thresholds ( country team ) Collect typology indicators in each country (CGIAR and country teams) Decision on sub-locations (CGIAR and country teams) Draft method for farming system characterization (ICRAF/IITA/UHoh ) Checklist for constraints analysis through FGD (ICRAF/IITA) Training of field technicians on the above 2 approaches (ICRAF/IITA) Implementation of FGD ( CGIAR and country teams ) Implementation of farm system characterization at HH ( CGIAR and country teams) Develop checklist of key informant discussion on socio-technical conditions at field site level ( Paul, Maurice/Generose/Ellie/Getnet) Implement socio-technical characterization to inform local actors and for 1.3 (CGIAR and country teams Synthesize entry themes (ICRAF) Output 1 activities LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Assessing current contributions of legumes to rural livelihoods (Activity 1.1) Site selection. 3 Humidtropics Action Sites (AS), 2 Field Site (FS) per AS, 2 Implementation Sites per FS. Stratification: population density (high), market access (medium, good) We have 3*2*2= 12 Implementation sites (9 in proposal) LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Example Selected Field Sites and Implementation Sites in Western Kenya Agree on names to be used in reporting/publications Action SiteField SiteMarket access Implementation Site Western Kenya Kisii CountyGoodKitutu Chache North Sub-county Medium Nyaribari Chache Sub-county Migori County GoodRongo Sub-county Medium Suna West Sub- county
Assessing current contributions of legumes to rural livelihoods (1.1), cont. Farm typology: Agreed to use 3 typologies; high, medium and poor resource availability. Three indicators agreed: -Farm size, area of land -Livestock, type and number -Access to Inputs; amount of mineral fertilizer to the farm Field or Implementation Site specific indicator intervals identified through village meetings (compile from all sites) LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Assessing current contributions of legumes to rural livelihoods (1.1), cont. Village meetings in all Implementation sites -Guideline and checklist for village meeting -Inform about LegumeCHOICE -Discuss and agree on farm typologies and site specific indicator intervals, e.g. LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Assessing current contributions of legumes to rural livelihoods (1.1), cont. Quick baseline survey: 1.Select farmers for Farm characterization based on typology (area, livestock, input) 2.Area under legumes, type of legumes, inter- or mono- cropping, harvested amount LegumeCHOICE Transect Walk Data Collection Sheet developed Training workshop in Nairobi, July, Baseline survey carried out Aug-Sep/Oct (all 12 IS) CSProo data entry form, data entered, validated Statistical data analysis and report writing per Action Site Cross-site comparison LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Project Goal and Indicators Goal: To improve food and nutrition security, reduce poverty, and enhance the production environment of smallholder farmers and rural populations, in particular women, through facilitation of the smart integration and use of multi-purpose legumes, providing food, protein, feed, fuel, and/or organic matter, in crop-livestock systems. Goal indicators: As a result of this project, at least 4,500 (1,500 per country) smallholder farmers (households) within the target areas, will have increased the farm area under legumes by at least 20%, the productivity of already present legumes by at least 20%, and the farm-level contribution of biologically fixed N by at least 50 kg N per farm. (Quick baseline survey) The Goal indicators will be delivered through the Humidtropics R4D platforms and require more time than the 3-year project duration. LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Data analysis, reporting and publishing Quick baseline survey Farm typology indicators. Test thresholds and revise where needed (to be discussed and agreed, what proportion of hh fall into resource wealthy, medium, poor?) Legume baseline, area under legume, type, how it is grown, production/productivity, biological N-fixation (to be discussed and agreed during this meeting) When data entered from all Action sites are validated one file will be formed and exported to suitable programs for further data analysis (cross-site analysis, 1.4) Prepare Action site manuscripts, baseline survey only or including farm characterization survey (discuss and agree) LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Area per household in implementation site A Area per household (ha) Typology, criteria used Farm-size (ha) Low resource, <x Medium resource, x-y High resource,>y LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Livestock, types in no of hh in implementation site A Typology, criteria used Livestock (oxen, local cattle or improved breeds, etc) Low resource, <x Medium resource, x-y High resource,>y LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Fertilizer input, kg per farm Typology, criteria used Chemical Fertilizer (kg per farm) Low resource, <x, or none Medium resource, x-y, below recommended High resource,>y, recommended or above LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Assessing current contributions of legumes to rural livelihoods (1.1), cont. Farm characterization Farm Characterization tool developed Training workshop in Nairobi, July, Field hh survey carried out Sep/Oct (all 12 IS ?) 24 hh per Implementation site (8 per typology) selected based on quick baseline survey CSProo data entry form prepared, data being entered, need to be validated Statistical data analysis and report writing per Action Site (agree format and time plan) Cross-site comparison (agree format and time plan) LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Assessing current institutional environment within which smallholders operate (Activity 1.2) Markets (input and output), institutions (advisory service, policy, etc) at Field Site level. Secondary information, e.g. Humidtropics Situation Analysis and national surveys Developed checklist of key informant discussion on socio-technical conditions at field site level (in Kisii) Implement socio-technical characterization to inform local actors and for 1.3 (where are we?) LegumeCHOICE Tool tests at expert meeting indicate that many constraints for legume intensification & diversification is at the level above farm hh LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Identification of entry points for legume intensification & diversification, based on results from above activities & secondary information (1.3) Guideline and checklist for Focus Group Discussions (FGD) developed and agreed FGDs carried out in Implementation sites in gender differentiated groups (8 FGD per Action Site); legume use, types, production system, challenges/constraints, and niches/opportunities Discuss how to use baseline and farm characterization data to inform the entry point identification (Addis) Second round FGD using the LegumCHOICE tool will also inform entry points (to be carried out in Febr 2015) LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Cross-site analysis of the lessons learnt through will produce IPGs, for use within and beyond the Humidtropics Action Sites (1.4) CSProo data entry and export of data to excel or statistical programs enable cross-site Agree on hypothesis, questions, analysis to be carried out Scientific publication plan, start to draft manuscript 1 in Addis, agree on target journal and time plan What more? LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Communication Blog published from the Farm Characterization training workshop unified-solution-food-fodder-soil-fertility/ Conference presentation, Morocco (Irene Okeyo) Any more? Internal/external – I promise to start add all documents on the wiki LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting
Output 1 Activities to discuss and agree February 2-4, 2015 LegumeCHOICE Output 1 Reporting