Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 1 Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE : Simulation Modeling and Performance Evaluation N. Golmie, R.E. VanDyck and A. Soltanian National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD USA
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 2 Outline Motivation and Objectives Related Work Overview of Bluetooth and WLAN Simulation Modeling –Channel, PHY and MAC models –Simulation Scenario Simulation Results Summary and Current Work
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 3 Motivation and Objective Interference in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band: Bluetooth, HomeRF, IEEE 802.(11,11-b) devices operating in the same environment may lead to significant performance degradation in WPAN and WLAN services. Our goal is to evaluate the impact of interference on Bluetooth and WLAN performance using detailed MAC and PHY layer simulation models developed to accurately reflect the interference environment.
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 4 Related Work on Interference Evaluation Analytical results based on a probability of packet collision: –C. F. Chiasserini, R. Rao, Performance of IEEE WLANs in a Bluetooth Environment, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC 2000, Chicago IL, September –S. Shellhammer, Packet Error Rate of an IEEE WLAN in the Presence of Bluetooth, IEEE /133r0, Seattle WA, May –N. Golmie and F. Mouveaux, Interference in the 2.4 GHz Band: Impact on the Bluetooth MAC Access Protocol, Proceedings of ICC01, Helsinki, Finland, June Experimental measurements: –A. Kamerman,Coexistence between Bluetooth and IEEE CCK: Solutions to avoid mutual interference, IEEE /162r0, July –I. Howitt et. al., Empirical Study for IEEE and Bluetooth Interoperability, IEEE VTC2001, May –D. Fumolari, Link Performance of an Embedded Bluetooth Personal Area Network, Proceedings of IEEE ICC01, Helsinki Finland, June Simulation Modeling: –S. Zurbes, Radio network performance performance of Bluetooth, Proceedings of ICC00, New Orleans, LA, June –J. Lansford,, Wi-Fi (802.11b) and Bluetooth Simultaneous Operation: Characterizing the Problem,in Mobilian white paper, September 2000.
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 5 Bluetooth Baseband
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 6 WLAN MAC
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 7 Bluetooth 1 Mbits/s data rate with TDMA structure (polling) –Frequency hopping on a packet basis –625 us slot size, 1 MHz channel Approximately 10 m range –1 mw to 100 mw Transmitter Power –Low Cost Radio Receivers Initially designed for one hop operation –1 Master and up to 7 Slaves –Scatternets to allow multiple hop networks Voice (SCO) and data links (ACL) Bluetooth vs Specifications IEEE and 11 Mb/s –Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum –Complementary Code Keying for the 11 Mbits/s. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance –Also virtual carrier sense using request-to-send (RTS) and clear-to- send (CTS) message Range on the order of 100 m –Up to 1 W Transmitter Power
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 8 System Simulation Modeling WLAN MAC Bluetooth Baseband Bluetooth Baseband BER1 BER2 BER3 BT Packet WLAN Packet Channel Propagation Model MAC/PHY Interface MAC/PHY Interface Parameters: Desired Signal Packet: Type, Power, Frequency, distance (tx, rx) Interference Packet List: Type, Power, Frequency, distance (tx, rx), Time Offset Detailed DSP Transmitter and Receiver Simulation Models
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, 01 9 Channel Modeling Additive White Gaussian Noise, multipath fading Path loss model Received power and SIR depend on topology and device parameters:
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Physical Layer Modeling DSP based implementation of transceivers Design using typical parameters (goal is to remain non- implementation specific) Bluetooth –Non-coherent Limiter Discriminator receiver, Viterbi receiver with channel estimation and equalization IEEE –Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (1 Mbits/s) –Complementary Code Keying (11 Mbits/s) –Frequency Hopping (1 Mbits/s)
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, MAC Modeling MAC behavioral implementation for Bluetooth and IEEE (connection mode) Frequency hopping Error detection and correction –Different error correction schemes applied to packet segments (Bluetooth) –FCS (802.11) Performance statistics collection –Access delay, packet loss, residual error, throughput
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Simulation Scenarios (1,0) (0,15) (0,d) (0,0) WLAN AP Tx Power 25 mW WLAN Mobile Tx Power 25 mW Bluetooth Master TX Power 1 mW Bluetooth Slave, Tx Power 1 mW Data ACK Data Impact of WLAN Interference on Bluetooth Performance Impact of Bluetooth Interference on WLAN Performance Data ACK Traffic Distribution for WLAN and BT (LAN Traffic) Offered Load 30 % Of Channel Capacity Packet Size Geometric Distr. Mean 368 bytes Statistics Collection Points
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Impact of Interference on Packet Loss Bluetooth and WLAN (11 Mbits/s)
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Impact of Interference on MAC Access Delay Bluetooth and WLAN 11 Mbits/s
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Impact of Interference on Packet Loss Bluetooth and WLAN (1 Mbits/s)
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Impact of Interference on MAC Access Delay Bluetooth and WLAN 1 Mbits/s
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Impact of Interference on Number of Errors in BT Voice Packets
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Summary Developed detailed MAC and PHY simulation platform to study the impact of interference in a closed loop environment. –Obtained simulation results for mutual interference scenario. Performance depends on accurate traffic models and distributions. –Scenarios using Bluetooth voice traffic represent the worse interference cases (up to 65% of WLAN packets lost).
Interference of Bluetooth and IEEE , MSWIM01 July 21, Current Work Evaluate the impact of interference for other scenarios including: –Bluetooth, and WLAN Frequency Hopping systems. –Multiple node scenarios –Higher layer traffic models (TCP/IP) Devise and evaluate coexistence mechanisms: –Packet scheduling –Frequency nulling