Today’s Objectives Chapters 10 and 11 Security in SQL Server –Manage server logins and database users. –Manage server-level, database-level, and application.


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Presentation transcript:

Today’s Objectives Chapters 10 and 11 Security in SQL Server –Manage server logins and database users. –Manage server-level, database-level, and application access security. –Develop a security plan, and determine security requirements.

Authentication - Server level Authentication gives you access to SQL Server by using a login Windows authentication – Access is established through a trusted connection for a Windows, Windows NT domain, or Active Directory domain user or group Mixed mode (Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication) – Access is established either through Windows authentication or through the use of a SQL Server login name and password Comparison on Table 10-1

Authentication process Windows authentication: 1.The client opens a trusted connection to the server. 2.Windows user and group account information is passed to SQL Server. 3.This is preferred way of authentication –The user and group accounts are checked against the server’s login accounts in the sysxlogins table.

Authentication process SQL Server authentication –The client opens a non-trusted connection. 1.A SQL Server login and password are passed to the server. 2.The server verifies the login name and password against the sysxlogins table.

Configuring authentication - EM

Creating a new login Enterprise Manager –Create Login Wizard –EM Console Transact SQL –System stored procedures –Tables 10-5 and 10-6 Once the login is created, it has to be mapped to a SQL Server database user account The db user can be different than the login, however it is not recommended

New login - Under Security

Windows login sp’s - Table 10-5 Sp_grantlogin – create login account sp_grantlogin 'computer_or_domain\user_or_group' Sp_denylogin – prevent user or group from logging in sp_denylogin 'domain_or_machine\user_or_group' Sp_revokelogin – revokes login account information sp_revokelogin 'domain_or_machine\user_or_group' Sp_defaultdb – identify default database sp_defaultdb 'login', 'database’

New SQL Server login

SQL Server login sp’s - Table 10-6 Sp_addlogin – create a SQL Server login sp_addlogin 'login' [, 'password'] [, 'database'] [, 'language'] [, 'sid'] [, 'encryption_option'] Sp_droplogin – delete SQL Server login sp_droplogin 'login’ Sp_password – set/change login password sp_password ['old_password',] 'new_password' [, 'login_name']

Database Access - same as db user

Dropping logins You cannot remove sa (the system administrator default login). You cannot remove any login that owns jobs in the msdb database. You cannot remove any login that is in use and connected to SQL Server. You cannot remove any login that owns an existing database.

SQL Server Roles Roles are analogous to Groups in NT/2000 Roles contain either logins or db users Roles are a powerful tool that allow you to collect users into a single unit against which you can apply permissions. Permissions granted to, denied to, or revoked from a role also apply to any members of the role Types of SQL Server Roles: Fixed Server Roles, Fixed Database Roles, User-defined Roles and Application Roles

Fixed Server Roles Sysadmin – Gods of SQL Server –SA login is member of this role Serveradmin – server options like starting/stopping server, memory settings Setupadmin – manager linked servers Securityadmin – manager security Processadmin – can kill processes Dbcreator – can create databases Diskadmin – backing up and restoring databases Bulkadmin - can execute Bulk Insert statements Table 10-2 has more details

Server Roles - EM under Security

Server role properties - Under Security

Server Roles - Using T-SQL Sp_addsrvrolemember – add a login to a server role sp_addsrvrolemember 'login', 'role' Sp_dropsrvrolemember – drop a login from a server role sp_dropsrvrolemember 'login', 'role’ Table 10-7 has more details

Fixed Database Roles Db_owner – Gods of databases –dbo (database owner) is member of this role –SA login is mapped to the dbo user Db_accessadmin – control the access to database Db_datareader – can read data from tables Db_datawriter – can add and delete data Db_ddladmin – can modify database objects Db_securityadmin – change db permissions Db_backupoperator – backup database Db_denydatareader – cannot read data Db_denydatawriter – cannot change data Table 10-4 has more details

Database role properties under DB folder

Database Roles - Using T-SQL Sp_addrolemember – add members to a database role sp_addrolemember 'role', 'member' Sp_droprolemember – drop a user from a database role sp_droprolemember 'role', 'member’ More in Table 10-9

Public role Public role members can: –Every database user is member of this role and cannot be dropped from it –Execute T-SQL statements that do not require permissions –Execute system-stored procedures that retrieve information from databases to which the user has access –Access a database through the guest account if one exists - The guest db account lets a new login access a database without being a user of that db –Good security to remove guest account

In class Exercises Make sure you have SSEMDB database (instructions on Page 171) Pages Pages (steps only) Pages (steps only) Pages Review the exercises with me to get the credit

Permissions Once the login has access to SQL Server, still needs database permissions Roles have predefined permissions Two types Statement Permissions Object Permissions You can GRANT, DENY or REVOKE permissions


Object permissions - Obbjects level SELECT – supported for table and view INSERT – supported for table and view UPDATE – supported for table, view, and column DELETE – supported for table and view REFERENCES – supported for table, view EXECUTE – supported for stored procedure, extended stored procedure More in Table 11-2

GRANT GRANT – When a user is granted a permission, the user is allowed to perform that action. Marked by check Syntax is GRANT [ALL PRIVILEGES] | permission [, n] [(column [, n])] ON table|view | ON table|view [(column [, n)] | ON stored_proc|extended_stored_proc | ON user_defined_function TO account [, n] [WITH GRANT OPTION] [AS group|role]

DENY DENY – A user cannot perform an action that has been denied either explicitly or through role membership. Marked by X Syntax is DENY ALL [PRIVILEGES] | permission [, n] [(column [, n])] ON table|view | ON table|view [(column [, n)] | ON stored_proc|extended_stored_proc | ON user_defined_function TO account [, n] [CASCADE]

REVOKE REVOKE – A revoked permission is a neutral action. Marked by nothing Syntax REVOKE ALL [PRIVILEGES] | permission [, n] [(column [, n])] ON table|view | ON table|view [(column [, n)] | ON stored_proc|extended_stored_proc | ON user_defined_function TO | FROM account [, n] [CASCADE] AS group|role

Application roles Application roles have no members. An application role is activated when a user runs the application that the role is defined for. User account and role permissions are ignored in the context of the application. A password is required for application role activation.

Defining application roles Sp_addapprole – create application roles sp_addapprole 'role', 'password' Sp_approlepassword – change application role password sp_approlepassword 'role', 'new_password' Sp_dropapprole – drop an application role sp_dropapprole 'role'

New application role

More Exercises Pages 360 Pages Pages Pages 382 (optional) Review the exercises with me to get the credit Next week - Chapters 12 and 13

Authentication strategy Use Windows authentication if: –You do not want to allow any connections other than trusted connections. –You want to manage account security and passwords through Windows or as domain accounts. Use Mixed mode if: –You need to support non-Windows clients. –You need to support clients that are not domain members. –You need to support Internet access. –You want to manage SQL Server security separately from Windows or domain security.

Windows login failures Wrong network libraries loaded – Only Named Pipes, TCP/IP Sockets, and Multiprotocol support trusted connections. No login name – You must create a login name for the user or for a group the user belongs to. Login denied – If login is denied for a user or a group the user belongs to, the user will not be able to connect to the server.

SQL Server login failures Windows authentication mode – If the server is configured to support Windows authentication only, SQL Server logins are not permitted. Incorrect password – If a user forgets his/her password, a system administrator will have to change the password to a new, known value. Login deleted – Another possible cause is that the login name has been deleted.

Database Access (Authorization) Determine if you need the guest account Assign access rights need by all users to public role If the user will administer the database, make them a member of db_owner Use the database roles whenever possible Use a user defined role if existing roles do not satisfy the security needs Use views and stored procedures to limit access to database tables

Database permission notes If a login name has not been mapped to a database user, access is through the Guest account only (if any). All database users are members of the public role. Access permissions are cumulative of all role memberships and explicit assignments. Denied access takes precedence over granted access.