Intarsia Pattern Intarisa with eyelet Technical back of fabric Intarsia pattern formed by different colors and materials No fibre raising on yellow color
Intarsia Pattern 5 color zones pattern Brown color zones in 1x1 purl stitch Coarse gauge Acrylic yarns
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia on plain knit ground structure Technical back of fabric 5 color zones Using tuck join Medium to fine gauge
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia with tuck join Plain knit ground structure Medium gauge Wool or acrylic yarns
Intarsia Pattern 3 color intarsia Alternate needle joining + transfer eyelet Medium gauge Acrylic yarn
Intarsia Pattern Typical intarsia pattern Using tuck joining Argyle pattern in 4 colors Medium gauge Wool or acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Multi color zones intarsia Plain knit in ground structure Using tuck joining Medium gauge Wool or acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Plain knit ground structure Medium to fine gauge Wool or acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Crew neck and V neck pullover Drop shoulder Simple intarsia pattern Medium to fine gauge Wool or acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Jacquard intarsia on man’s pullover Ordinary intarsia on both sides
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia front pullover Crew neck Plain knit ground structure Medium gauge Wool or Acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Combined intarsia and transfer pattern Curl or rolling collar Over size drop shoulder pullover Coarse to medium gauge
Intarsia pattern Crew neck pullover Plain knit ground structure Transfer eyelet pattern in front Medium gauge Lamb’s wool or acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Jacquard intarsia Leaf formed by the knit & miss method Plain knit ground structure Medium gauge Acrylic yarn
Intarsia Pattern Plain knit ground structure V-bed machine with sinkers to knit the inclined stripe portion Medium gauge Wool or acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia pattern by wrap striping method The color yarns are fed to the needles by the warp knitting principle Using tuck joining The hole on the cable is formed without using joining
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia front panel Crew neck sweater 3 color zones Using tuck joining Central V is part of the design and not for cut out to make V neck
Intarsia Pattern Double knit intarsa Cardigan as base structure Extra large crew neck pullover Bat wing style Coarse gauge Wool or acrylic
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia in wrap striping method Vertical color wales are yarns fed to the needles by the warp knitting principle
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia pattern by wrap striping method The color yarns on cables are fed to the needles by the warp knitting priciple Medium gauge Acrylic yarns
Intarsia Pattern Intarsia pattern using the warp striping method Color yarns fed to the needles by the warp knitting priciple Medium gauge Acrylic yarns
Intarsia Pattern Jacquard intarsia combined with blister stitch to make the raised effect Medium gauge Acrylic yarns