doc.: IEEE /009r0 Submission July 2002 Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group (RR-TAG) Opening Report to the July 2002 Plenaries of , , and Carl R. Stevenson Interim Chair, RR-TAG
doc.: IEEE /009r0 Submission July 2002 Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems This Plenary is the Official Kickoff Meeting of the RR-TAG Participation by a reasonable number of members of.11,.15, and.16 is needed to accomplish our work and provide balanced representation of the interests of all of the wireless WGs Attendance at.18 sessions counts towards maintaining voting rights in your home WG Those attending 75% or more of the.18 sessions at this meeting gain voting rights … after this meeting, normal attendance requirements to gain (and maintain) voting rights will take effect
doc.: IEEE /009r0 Submission July 2002 Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems Output Documents Produced at the May Joint Interim Meetings of.11/.15/.18 (The RR-TAG operated in an ad-hoc mode at this meeting and the output documents were forwarded to.18 for approval prior to seeking SEC approval.) Opposition to ARRL Petition for Reconsideration in ET Docket (challenge to Part 15) (Approved by SEC as IEEE 802 filing, filed with FCC on filing deadline date) Comments in response to NPRM in ET Docket (proposed upgrade of the Amateur Radio Service to primary status at , plus addition of a primary allocation to the Amateur Satellite Service) (Approved by SEC as IEEE 802 filing, awaiting filing deadline date)
doc.: IEEE /009r0 Submission July 2002 Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems Objectives for the July 2002 Plenary in Vancouver, BC, Canada Seek TAG affirmation of Chair for 2 year term Gain SEC approval of TAG Charter Present SEC with TAG rules change proposals and pursue the rules change process within SEC Report on regulatory issues of interest Draft and seek approval of any necessary filings with regulatory agencies Hold joint meetings with.11 TGg, TGh, WNG SC (and if they desire a joint meeting)
doc.: IEEE /009r0 Submission July 2002 Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems Regulatory Issues of Interest WRC-03 Agenda Item 1.5 (5 GHz Issues) ARRL Petition for Reconsideration (ET ) FCC NPRM Proposing Amateur Primary Allocations at MHz (ET 02-98) FCC Spectrum Task Force Request for Comments (ET ) RF Lighting at 2.4 GHz China 2.4 GHz Regulations
doc.: IEEE /009r0 Submission July 2002 Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems Expected Output Documents TAG Charter Proposal for SEC Approval TAG Rules Change Proposal for SEC Comments to WAC on WRC-03 AI 1.5 (5 GHz Issues) (Deadline July 12) Letter to CITEL PCC III on WRC-03 Agenda Item 1.5 ??? Reply to ARRL Comments on Opposition to their Petition for Reconsideration (ET ) (MTALFC) Comments on FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force Request for Comments (ET ) (MTALFC)