Thermal phase transition of color superconductivity with Ginzburg-Landau effective action on the lattice M. Ohtani ( RIKEN ) with S. Digal (Univ. of Tokyo) T. Hatsuda (Univ. of Tokyo) XQCD, Aug Swansea Introduction GL effective action Phase diagram in weak gauge coupling Phase transition on the lattice Summary
Δ ~ 100MeV T c ~ 60MeV Introduction Non-perturbative analysis of colorsuper transition T μ Hadrons Quark-Gluon Plasma Color Superconductivity RHIC 170MeV ~400MeV N ☆ Cores qq 0
¶ no sign problem bosonic T- dependence: m, i, , g (( Ginzburg-Landau effective action GL action in terms of the quark pair field fc (x) & gauge field Iida & Baym PRD 65 (2002) { discretize & rescale SU f (3) SU c (3) Higgs on Lattice 2 couplings for quartic terms ○○○
mean field without gluon Iida & Baym PRD 63 (2001) mean field (ungauged) normal CFL normal 2SC unbound 2 nd order transition as T c (MF) 1 = 2 in weak coupling
weak gauge coupling limit mean field (ungauged) perturbative analysis Matsuura,Hatsuda,Iida,Baym PRD 69 (2004) Normal CFL normal 2SC unbound 2 nd order transition gluonic fluctuation | | 3 term 1 st order transition normal 2SC normal 2SC CFL unbound normal CFL
normal unbound Phase diagram in weak gauge coupling CFL 2SC T/T c (MF)
Phase diagram in weak gauge coupling
Analytic results for large mean field (ungauged) perturbative analysis Normal CFL normal 2SC unbound 2 nd order transition gluonic fluctuation 1 st order transition normal 2SC normal 2SC CFL unbound normal CFL
parameters Setup for Monte-Carlo simulation Lattice size L t = 2, L s = 12, 16, 24, 32, RIKEN Super Combined Cluster pseudo heat-bath method for gauge field generalized update-algorithm of SU(2) Higgs-field = 5.1 0.7 c in pure YM take several pairs of ( 1, 2 ), scanning { with 3,000 - 60,000 configurations Bunk, NP(Proc.Suppl) 42 (‘95), 556 update
broken phase Phase identification (Tr † ) 1/2 large order param. ⇔ broken phase plateau c update step phase transition to ‘color super’ Tr x † x ¶ Tr x † x 0 even in sym. phase thermal fluctuation
identifying the phases by eigenvalues of y diagonalization matrix elements of † † ・・・ CFL a † b ・・・ 2SC b ¶ † : gauge invariant
Hadron (Quark-Gluon Plasma) Color Superconducting state Phase diagram with i fixed 3.6 CFL 2SC normal ● Similar trends with SU(2) Higgs ● no clear signal of end points as i 1 = 2 =.0005
2SC CFL 1 st order transition: Hysteresis & boundary shift initial config. = a thermalized config. with slightly different Hysteresis : different configs. with same Put 3 configs in spatial sub-domain Thermalize it with fixed Polyakov loop normal CFL 2SC
Phase diagram with fixed 1 2 CFL 2SC 1 st order transition CFL w/ metastable 2SC 2SC CFL lattice simulation metastable 2SC: 2SC observed in hysteresis & disappeared in boundary shift test perturbative analysis 2SC 2SC CFL unbound CFL
Free energy by perturbation = normal CFL † 2SC Iida,Matsuura,Tachibana,Hatsuda PRD 71 (2005) ● largest barrier btw normal &CFL ● metastable 2SC
Summary and outlook GL approach with quark pair field & gauge on lattice SU(3) Higgs model eigenvalues of † to identify the phases 1 st order trans. to CFL & 2SC phases in coupling space We observed hysteresis. transition points boundary shift with mixed domain config. metastable 2SC state in transition from normal to CFL, which is consistent with perturbative analysis charge neutrality, quark mass effects, correction to scaling, phase diagram in T - …