V 0.1Slide 1 Security – System Configuration How to configure WebSAMS? Access Control Other Information Configuration system customization system configuration Customization ip configuration Authorized user
V 0.1Slide 2 Security – System Configuration System Configuration : Allow user to maintain the following settings: General Settings System Accessibility Settings settings File size control of system log & audit trail All the system configuration will take effect only after the user re-logins the system
V 0.1Slide 3 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 4 Security – System Configuration Maximum number of fault login attempts allowed / Auto-unlock period of locked accounts : The number of times that a user can try to login with a wrong password before the account is locked Locked account will be unlocked after the elapse of the auto-unlock period, counting from the time the account is locked. For no auto-unlock, the locked account can only be unlocked manually in the “Unlock Account” function.
V 0.1Slide 5 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 6 Security – System Configuration Automatic logout period (inside / outside SAMS LAN segment) : The system will automatically logout an account after it is left idle for a period longer than the automatic logout period defined. Automatic logout period inside and outside the SAMS LAN segment can be defined separately.
V 0.1Slide 7 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 8 Security – System Configuration Password expiry period: For security reason, users should modify their passwords periodically. User will be reminded to change his/her account password if it is due to be expired within 14 days. The remaining number of days before password expiry will be displayed to the user after each successful login. When the user changes the password, the new password expiry date will be the system date plus the password expiry period.
V 0.1Slide 9 Security – System Configuration Password expiry period (cont’d): If the user does not change the password and the password expires, the user will not be able to login the system again. The password expiry period also affects the password expiry date when a new user account is created. For the 2 built-in accounts, ‘sysadmin’ and ‘asysadmin’, the password is set to ‘Never Expire’.
V 0.1Slide 10 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 11 Security – System Configuration Number of passwords stored in password History: The system will store a certain number of previously used passwords. The number of passwords stored is defined here, from 1 to 5. When changing new password, the system will ensure that the new password entered does not duplicate with the stored passwords.
V 0.1Slide 12 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 13 Security – System Configuration Enable Multiple Login: A user can login the system in several browsers from the same/different workstations at the same time if the box is checked. It is recommended to disable Multiple Login for security reason. User can login the system from internet if the box is checked. Enable Internet Access: Enable ITED Access: User can login the system from school ITED LAN Segment if the box is checked.
V 0.1Slide 14 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 15 Security – System Configuration Data Backup log file path: The server directory where the database backup log files will be stored. The administrator has to set this value before he/she can view the database backup log files with the ‘View Backup Log’ function. The server directory where the backup tool stores the file server backup log files. It is used by the ‘View Backup Log’ function Server Backup log file path: Archive file path: The server directory where the audit trail archive files will be stored.
V 0.1Slide 16 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 17 Security – System Configuration System access time inside/outside SAMS LAN Segment User can login the system in the period defined here. Access time in Monday-Saturday and Sunday can be set separately. Access period of 24 hours a day can be set by selecting the “24 Hours” option. The access time inside or outside SAMS LAN Segment can be set separately Note 1: The access time setting is not applicable to the ‘sysadmin’ account Note 2: Take note of any conflict with the system batch jobs such as database/server backup when granting access period of 24 hours a day
V 0.1Slide 18 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 19 Security – System Configuration Release of Access Time Control to 24 hours Account of staff/student/parent user type can be selected to enjoy access time of 24 hours a day within a particular period of time for operational purpose. Within the period defined, the selected users can access the system at any time.
V 0.1Slide 20 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 21 Security – System Configuration Enable Function: The option has to be enabled before s can be sent out from WebSAMS.
V 0.1Slide 22 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 23 Security – System Configuration School's Address for Return of by Recipients: If E-Cert for digital signature is not used, this address will be displayed as the sender’s address for all mails sent out from WebSAMS. If E-Cert is used for digital signature, the address in the E-Cert will be used instead.
V 0.1Slide 24 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 25 Security – System Configuration SMTP Server of ISP subscribed by School: The SMTP server of the ISP is used to send outgoing s via internet. Account provided by ISP subscribed: This is the account provided to the school by the ISP for using its SMTP server. Password of the Account provided by ISP: The password of the account should be entered correctly.
V 0.1Slide 26 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 27 Security – System Configuration Recipient Limit for each mail: If the number of recipients of an is larger than this limit, the will be sent out by batch. The number of recipients in each batch will be less than or equal to this limit. Size Limit for each (MB): The maximum size of each outgoing in megabytes.
V 0.1Slide 28 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 29 Security – System Configuration Size Limit for Storing Each User's Sent Mails (MB) : The size limit of each user’s mail history in megabytes. Maximum number of Retry for Sending Mail: The maximum number of attempts for sending each . If mail sending is still not successful after this number of attempts, mail sending will be aborted and the mail will be marked as ‘Sending Failed’.
V 0.1Slide 30 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 31 Security – System Configuration Location Path and Password of (Organizational) e-Cert for Digital Signature: The school may use e-Cert to digitally sign all outgoing s for authentication purpose. Then the two settings of location path and password of the e-Cert information should be entered. If the school does not use e-Cert for signing s, two fields can be left blank.
V 0.1Slide 32 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 33 Security – System Configuration Size Limit of Audit Trail storing in DB(MB): The maximum database space used for storing Audit Trail in Megabytes. Zero for no limit. When the assigned database space is full, user may archive the audit trail records as Archived Audit Trail. After the archive, the audit trail records which have been archived will be deleted from the database.
V 0.1Slide 34 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 35 Security – System Configuration Size Limit of Archived Audit Trail storing in server (MB): The maximum hard disk space used for storing Archived Audit Trail files in Megabytes. Zero for no limit. When the assigned hard disk space has been reached, user may delete the files or move the files to other folders manually.
V 0.1Slide 36 Security – System Configuration
V 0.1Slide 37 Security – System Configuration Size Limit of DB backup /recovery log storing in server (MB): The maximum hard disk space used for database backup/recovery log files in Megabytes. Zero for no limit.
V 0.1Slide 38 Security – System Configuration Click ESC To Return Size Limit for Server backup/ recovery log storing in server (MB): The maximum hard disk space used for server backup/recovery log files in Megabytes. Zero for no limit.