9/17/20151 Probing the Dense Medium in Cold Nuclei -- Gluon Saturation at small-x Bowen Xiao (CCNU) Feng Yuan (LBNL)
Gluon saturation inevitable at small-x 9/17/20152
QCD evolution drives the gluon distribution rising at small-x 9/17/20153
BFKL evolution becomes relevant at small-x Balitsky-Fadin-Lipatov-Kuraev, Balitsky-Kovchegov: Non-linear term, 98 9/17/20154
5 QCD Phase structure of cold nuclei Hard processes probe the kt-dependent gluon distributions directly Saturation phenomena manifest in the observables Xiao,Yuan, et al, PRL106, (2011) PRL105, (2010)
Conventional gluon distribution Collins-Soper, 1981 Gauge link in the adjoint representation 9/17/20156
Physical interpretation Choosing light-cone gauge, with certain boundary condition (either one, but not the principal value) Gauge link contributions can be dropped Number density interpretation, and can be calculated from the wave functions of nucleus McLerran-Venugopalan Kovchegov-Mueller 9/17/20157
Classic YM theory McLerran-Venugopalan See also, Kovchegov-Mueller We can reproduce this gluon distribution using the TMD definition with gauge link contribution, following BJY 02, BHPS 02 Weizsacker-Williams gluon distribution is the conventional one 9/17/20158
DIS dijet probes WW gluons Hard interaction includes the gluon attachments to both quark and antiquark The q t dependence is the gluon distribution w/o gauge link contribution at this order 9/17/20159
Final state interaction gauge link Dominguez-Xiao-Yuan, 2010 This is exactly the leading order expansion of the gauge link contribution, checked at three-gluon exchange order 9/17/ ab ab
Differential cross section Rigorous kt-factorization can be built for this process Initial photon, not hadron Similar to e+e-, Collins-Soper, 81 It is also a clean place to study the gluon Sivers function, Vogelsang-Yuan, 07 9/17/201511
Golden channel for an EIC Directly probe the Weizsacker-Williams gluon distribution in nucleus Factorization is very clear Various channels within DIS processes Heavy flavor Real/virtual photon 9/17/201512
Photon-jet correlation probes the dipole gluon distribution No difference for the Born diagram Naïve kt-factorization would predict the same q t - dependence 9/17/201513
Initial/final state interactions There is no color structure corresponding to this, We have to express the gluon Distribution in the Fundamental representation 9/17/ ab ab
Differential cross section Dominguez-Xiao-Yuan, 2010 This is the dipole gluon distribution, also called unintegrated gluon distribution 9/17/201515
Intuitive explanations Final state interactions in DIS can be eliminated by choosing the light-cone gauge number density interpretation Photon-jet correlation have both initial/final state interactions, can not be eliminated by choosing LC gauge there is no number density interpretation dipole gluon distribution 9/17/201516
17 Initial state and/or final state interactions Dijet-correlation at RHIC Boer-Vogelsang 03 Jet 1 Jet 2 P,S T Standard (naïve) Factorization breaks! Becchetta-Bomhof-Mulders-Pijlman, Collins-Qiu 08; Vogelsang-Yuan 08 Rogers-Mulders 10; Xiao-Yuan, 10
Modified factorization Dilute system on a dense target, in the large Nc limit, 9/17/201518
Hard partonic cross section 9/17/201519
Kt-dependent gluon distributions 9/17/201520
Sudakov (CSS) Resummation Sudakov double logs can be re-summed in the small-x saturation formalism Radiated gluon momentum Soft gluon, α~β<<1 Collinear gluon, α~1, β<<1 Small-x collinear gluon, 1- β<<1, α 0 Rapidity divergence 9/17/ Mueller, Xiao, Yuan, PRL110, (2013)
Di-hadron correlations 9/17/201522
Conclusions: EIC Great opportunities in nuclear science Ultimate machine for nucleon spin physics Unique place to investigate gluon saturation Potential discovery in BSM physics 9/17/201523
Hadronization in cold nuclei vs hot matter 9/17/201524
Observables 9/17/201525
Intensity Frontier (EW Physics) 9/17/201526
Observables 9/17/201527
Diffractions 9/17/201528
EIC Proposals in US 9/17/201529
Small-x factorization eikonal approximation in high energy scattering 9/17/ Mueller, 1994
Splitting function Dipole amplitude At one-loop order 9/17/ Y~Log(1/x) BK-JIMWLK