Creating a Climate of Academic Excellence Presented by Valerie Lawlor
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Academic Excellence Defined… Improve GPA performance. Identify and use academic resources available on your campus. Support individual members' intellectual growth and development. Recognize and celebrate scholastic improvement and academic achievement, and, create a climate of academic excellence that strengthens your chapter.
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. "You see us, a company of students." (Since 1872) Alpha Phi considers your chapter's academic performance to be a priority concern.
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. “I've been going to school for more than 12 years.” What's the big deal? (Think about what's different now!)
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Phi wants each member’s college experience to include on-time graduation with grades that are above the All-Panhellenic average. Alpha Phi wants each member’s college experience to include on-time graduation with grades that are above the All-Panhellenic average. Alpha Phi expects each chapter to conduct an ongoing scholastic program that manifests Fraternity's values.
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. The Scholarship Committee Vice President Program and Development Director of Scholarship Director of Member Education Director of Member Development Scholarship or Program Development Adviser Chapter member volunteers - very important Outside expert on academics and career options
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. The purpose of the Scholarship Committee: To develop a Scholarship Plan for your chapter. for your chapter. It's more than setting study hours.
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. TAKING STOCK Ask yourself these questions:
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. What are the academic goals of your chapter? They SHOULD be: Attainable Practical Measurable
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Members need TOOLS to reach their goals. … test files, study buddies, where to find a tutor, important dates posted, contact with Scholarship Chair and Scholarship Adviser.
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Recognize and reward top performance. Remember those who IMPROVED!
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Know what Motivates members: AchievementAffiliationAuthority
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Frequently Asked Questions "My chapter doesn't know how to help members with learning differences. Should they be held to the same minimum grade standards as the rest of the chapter?"
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Frequently Asked Questions "How do we get sisters on academic probation to actually go to class and to STUDY?"
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Frequently Asked Questions "What enforceable consequences can we set?"
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. BEST PRACTICES for your Scholarship Program Program templates for Alpha Phi's Academic Watchcare series. CPR for your Scholarship Program. Gary Tuerack motivational audio tapes. Chapter scholarship programs that were previously submitted for International awards. Staff who can help answer your specific questions.
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Place special emphasis on the New Member Education Program
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Creating a Climate of Academic Excellence MEANS Living the values of the Fraternity
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. A few thoughts about "change“…
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Where do you begin FIRST?
About Valerie Lawlor … Valerie is an organizational development consultant specializing in strategic planning and capacity-building training for nonprofit institutions. Her clients include American Heart Association, the YWCA of the U.S.A., Mothers Against Drunk Driving ("MADD"), the Giraffe Project, Volunteers Centers of Texas, the Association of Junior Leagues, International and the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia. Valerie has participated in a numerous volunteer roles within Alpha Phi, from local advisory and alumnae officer positions to serving as a member of the International Executive Board, from During the biennium she served as the International Vice President-Extension and was a member of the fraternity's delegation to the National Panhellenic Conference. From she was a member of the Campaign for Alpha Phi capital fundraising Steering Committee. She led the Nominations-Elections Task Force from and served as Fraternity Information Officer to roll out the initial implementation of the strategic plan, Vision for the 21 st Century. She currently serves as a member of the Committee on Leadership, as Chair of the Alpha Phi Foundation's Planned Giving Committee and as board president of the Omicron House Corporation Board at her college alma mater, the University of Missouri. Omicron/University of Missouri
2003 Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. Creating a Climate of Academic Excellence was made possible by gifts to the Alpha Phi Foundation Creating a Climate of Academic Excellence.” Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Inc. “Creating a Climate of Academic Excellence.” All rights reserved. Reserved for the exclusive use of Alpha Phi International, Inc., members. No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of Alpha Phi International, Inc.