Region 1 Southern Area Metro Area Workshop Robert M. Pellegrino Southern Area Chair 10 March 2012 IEEE Region 1 Winter Meeting Hartford, Conn.
Metropolitan Area Workshops Concept Large, multi-day, multi-track events –Professional training courses –Continuing Education Units will be available –Career Assistance for tech professionals transitioning to new emerging markets Under-represented markets & growth sectors Hosted by Regions, Sections and Chapters –Technical content provided by Societies & Local Sections Increase Member Engagement, Recruit New Members, & Provide Value to IEEE Members and the Community
Metropolitan Area Workshop Event Format Friday –3 Technical Tracks –Industry Panel Discussion –Plenary speaker –Reception Saturday –2 Technical Tracks (repeated) –Career Transition Assistance Track –Speed coaching IEEE Booths - Membership Recruitment, Member Discounts, Societies, Section, USA Local Section to determine venue, final content and specific industry engagement
Metro Area Workshop Brochure 4
Metropolitan Area Workshop Highlights 2011 Austin (21-22 Oct) –153 attendees –35 new IEEE members –5 renewals –Survey results 78.8% overall satisfaction rating 87.5% more likely to renew Huntsville (4-5 Nov) –120 attendees –15 new IEEE members –2 renewals 82.3% overall satisfaction rating 85.4 % would recommend to a colleague 5
Metro Area Workshops Lessons Learned Buy-in of local sections is key to success Responsibilities must be clearly defined Consider larger metropolitan areas Offer technical tracks in other emerging technologies Promote to technical professionals that are currently job seeking Cost was considered reasonable Staff time is significant
Metro Area Workshops Lessons Learned Practicing professionals were majority of attendees Students attendees, (13%) Attendees travelled from outside section (25%) Need to develop long term sustainable model
Metro Area Workshops RegionLocationVenueDates Region 6Santa Clara*Santa Clara Convention CenterSept 28/29 Region 4Detroit*Best Western Plus Sterling InnSept 7/8 Region 2BaltimoreTBD Oct 26/27 or Nov 2/3 Region 1NY/NJ MetroTBD – Four Proposals under review by MGA Oct 19/20 or 26/27 * Contracts Pending
Detroit MAW Content - DRAFT SmartGrid IEEE-USA Career Workshop Hybrid Electric Vehicle Track HEV Power Trains, Power Electronics Components, Motors and Chargers High voltage vehicle safety training HEV Batteries Embedded Software Development Part 1: H/W & S/W Testing Part 2: TBD 9
Santa Clara MAW Tracks - DRAFT SmartGrid IEEE-USA Career Workshop Embedded Applications Embedded Software Development Part 1: Android and iPhone App Development Part 2: Android, Embedded Linux Consulting Do your prospect’s see you as a professional What do consultant’s need to know about patents How to become a patent agent 10
Southern Area / METSAC Council MAW Sections Connecticut Long Island New York North Jersey Jersey Coast Princeton / Central Jersey 11
Southern Area / METSAC MAW Proposed Venues - Draft Crowne Plaza Hotel – White Plains, NY IBM Palisades,Conference Center – Palisades, NY Newark Airport Marriott, Newark, NJ Westchester Marriott, Tarrytown, NY 12
Southern Area / METSAC MAW Content - Draft IEEE-USA Career Workshop Smart Energy / Grid –Tide Power –Off the Grid – Micro Generators –Energy Efficiencies Embedded Software Development 13
Southern Area / METSAC MAW Content - Draft Communications –Smart Phones –Cybersecurity –3 D Video Visual Computing Cloud Computing Nano Technology 14
15 Questions