E-Learning: Wikis and Moodle Workforce Capability, SWSI Institute of TAFE Date:Monday 4 th May 2009 Presenter:Jeff Stokes Note: This session is being recorded using Adobe Connect Pro.
E-Learning: Wikis and Moodle INTRODUCTION E-Learning is where learning is achieved or enhanced by the use of a technology based tool or medium or where any innovative teaching method is employed.
E-Learning: Wikis and Moodle WIKI A Wiki is like a normal website with two very important differences. 1.The pages are edited online, rather than by using Dreamweaver or FrontPage then uploading using FTP. 2.The pages can be edited by anyone with permission to do so. This make collaborative authorship simple.
E-Learning: Wikis and Moodle WIKI
WIKI Examples: We will explore the SWSI Wikispaces and learn a bit about how to browse, edit and create pages. (See Wikispaces Help in the LHS Menu at SWSI)
Gaining access to our Wikispaces: As a guest As soon as you go to the site you are automatically considered a guest. As a guest you have no editing rights. Notice that there is a graphic on the right saying By applying for a user account Fill out an application form that you can get from the SWSI SharePoint site. WIKI
WIKI As a registered user, you can edit pages that you have the rights to edit. You can also create pages and whole sites that you can decide will be either public or private public private public private
WIKI What would you use a Wiki for?
WIKI ACTIVITY Create a Wiki page Create a Wiki page Adjust the page format Adjust the page format Edit the contents of a Wiki page Edit the contents of a Wiki page Play Play Show off Show off
E-Learning: Wikis and Moodle MOODLE
Examples: MOODLE
MOODLE What would you do with Moodle?
MOODLE Courses and Topics Courses and Topics Quizzes and Assignments Quizzes and Assignments Activities and Interactive Sessions Activities and Interactive Sessions Student/Learning Management Student/Learning Management and... and...
MOODLE Where is SWSI’s Moodle? How do I “own” a course?
Hi Jeff. In the Sandpit Category there a re a number of courses now built by staff playing and anyone is welcome to go into anyone without a key and looksee/play BUT in the Sandpit we setup three courses to demonstrate the three basic course structures available – Social Format, Topics Format and Weekly Format (each course so named) and also to demonstrate the impact of the Availability settings – ie Guest allowed/not allowed, existence of an enrolment key. Hope that helps Oh, if any haven’t self-registered they will be able to do so on the spot and use the portal or webmail to respond to the sent from the Moodle server to confirm address. Have a good weekend Laurie Quarmby
Create a Moodle Category Create a Moodle Topic Upload a Moodle Resource Create a Moodle Web page Create a Moodle Quiz MOODLE
WIKI As a registered user, you can edit pages that you have the rights to edit. You can also create pages and whole sites that you can decide will be either public or private Anyone can see your page when they log in as a GUEST.
WIKI As a registered user, you can edit pages that you have the rights to edit. You can also create pages and whole sites that you can decide will be either public or private You control who sees and edits your site by creating a user list.
Creating a Moodle Category
Creating a Moodle Topic
Uploading a Moodle Resource
Creating a Moodle Web Page
Creating a Moodle Quiz
Janet Stephens Laurie Quarmby