SECRETARIAT WORK PROGRAMME update 2009 PARIS21 Steering Committee meeting OECD Conference Centre 4 June 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

SECRETARIAT WORK PROGRAMME update 2009 PARIS21 Steering Committee meeting OECD Conference Centre 4 June 2009

INTRODUCTION Overall programme Approved during the June 2008 SC Updated work programme 2009: Taking into account priorities and new orientations


A NSDS Regional Programmes: Country level activities (1) Facilitating the implementation (or design) of NSDS Extended geographical coverage in conformity with PARIS21 mandate and MAPS key action 1 (all low-income countries covered) Still focusing on Africa and particularly on Fragile States, Anglophone and Lusophone Africa Launching step-by-step activities in under-represented regions: Asia and Caribbean Encouraging national partnerships for funding statistics (in line with Statistics for Results Facility)

A NSDS Regional Programmes: Country level activities (2) Consolidating the Peer Review approach Anglophone Africa: two countries already covered Francophone Africa: two countries already covered Providing ad-hoc support on advocacy Focus on less-developed countries Specific grants on NSDS advocacy strategies On the basis of the Advocacy Toolkit

A NSDS Regional Programmes: Country level activities (3)

A NSDS Regional Programmes: Country level activities (4)

A NSDS Regional Programmes: Country level activities (5)

B NSDS Regional Programmes: Regional level activities (5) Arab States 4 th Arab Forum in Cairo May 2009 Maghreb Workshop in Algiers August 2009 Small Islands Developing states (SIDS) SIDS Workshop Caribbean-Pacific UNSC February 2009 HLM seminar in the Caribbean + NSDS Workshop Trinidad July 2009 Fragile states Workshop Kigali May 2009 (see presentation during the seminar)

B Partnership Consortium (ref. doc P21-SC1-09-CONS ): presentation to follow Evaluation (Ref. doc P21-SC1-09-PROG): see previous presentation PRESS Round 2009 on-going Questionnaires received, processing on-going UN Agencies reporting needs to be specifically addressed Focus theme to be decided Reporting to CCSA: February 2009 New York, Bangkok September 2009

C Budget for 2009 (1) Budget has been revised Taking mainly into account : finalized budget for the Consortium shift of evaluation from 2010 to 2009 (decision last SC) Without impact on the total budget already agreed in Nov. 2008: Regional programmes, advocacy activities reshaped according to prioritized needs Programme of studies lightened Task team budgets postponed

C Budget for 2009 (2) Budgets (Euros) REGIONAL PROGRAMMES 975,000 1,205,000 A10 Africa Global 430, ,000 A20 Latin America & Caribbean Global 140,000 A30 Arab States Global 140, ,000 A40 Asia and Pacific Global 130, ,000 A50 Small states and Islands 55,000 50,000 A60 Fragile States and crisis states 80,000 90,000 ADVOCACY 109, ,000 PARTNERSHIP 138, ,000 REPORTING 43, ,000 STUDIES, KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT 60, ,000 TASK TEAMS 25,000 40,000 MANAGEMENT 1,275, ,000 G1 Managing PARIS21 Secretariat 80,000 83,000 G2 Partnership events 1,090,000 90,000 G3 Partnership Tracking progress 105,000 10,000 HUMAN RESOURCES 1,324,785 1,491,961 GRAND TOTAL 3,949,785 3,439,961

D PARIS21 Financing needs Budget Total ,389,746 Secured ,386,524 Gap1,003,222 Gap%14 Budget Total ,689,746 Secured ,886,524 Gap7,803,222 Gap%53

E -Agenda – Steering Committee / Donors Meeting Steering Committee Meeting 14:00 – 16:00 TimeActivityPresenter 14:005Opening StatementChair 14:0515Results of the PARIS21 Consortium MeetingSecretariat 14:2030DiscussionSteering Committee 14:5030Results of the PARIS21 EvaluationSecretariat 15:2015DiscussionSteering Committee 15:3510PARIS21 Work Programme for 2010Secretariat 15:4515DiscussionSteering Committee 16:0015Tea / Coffee Break 18 November 2009 Meeting of PARIS21 & Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building Donors 16:15 – 18:00 TimeDur.ActivityPresenter 16:155Opening StatementChair 16:2015PARIS21 Funding and Donor IssuesPARIS21 Secretariat 16:3530Discussion 17:0530TFSCB Funding and Donor Issues Chair of the TFSCB Internal Management Committee 17:3520Discussion 17:555Closing RemarksChair

Decision #Decision for the Steering Committee 1 Does the Committee agree with the draft agendas for the November 2009 Steering Committee and Donor Meetings?