University of Michigan Medical School Academy for Educational Excellence and Scholarship Monthly Seminar – June 23, Academy updates, year in review: 2.Discussion: “What will it take in the upcoming year for you to become a more enabled teacher?” For more information, check out our web site at: Next Academy Meeting: Summer break – Fall dates forthcoming
Teaching Opportunity: LSA Undergrad First Year Seminars 3 hours teaching/week for a term 33% of salary covered syllabus, teaching plan, office hours required check your ! More info from James Penner-Hahn, Associate Dean LSA,
The Academy for Educational Excellence and Scholarship Purpose: The Academy for Educational Excellence and Scholarship (Academy) at the University of Michigan Medical School is intended to recognize and augment the educational rigor and innovation of its faculty, to promote faculty development in education/mentoring, foster the visibility of UMMS educational leadership nationally and internationally, and to mobilize these talents to improve educational outcomes.
“Ask not what your academy can do for you, ask what you can do for your academy.”
Academy for Educational Excellence and Scholarship Expectations of Members 1. peer-review service 2. mentoring 3. citizenship to the academy 4. dissemination More than an honorific society
Year in Review: Activities Community of practice - steering committee - advisory committee - monthly seminars - newsletter Work-groups to shape the future
Academy applications to Date: 210! Anesthesiology3 Biological Chemistry2 Cardiac Surgery2 Cell Developmental Biology2 Computational Medicine & BioInformatics1 Dermatology2 Emergency Medicine17 Family Medicine30 Human Genetics2 Internal Medicine35 Medical Education6 Microbiology & Immunology3 Molecular & Integrative Physiology9 Neurology6 Neurosurgery2 Obstetrics and Gynecology19 Ophthalmology1 Orthopaedic Surgery1 Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery13 Pathology3 Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases13 Pharmacology3 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation4 Psychiatry9 Radiation Oncology1 Radiology4 Surgery14 Urology3 Total Applications210
Academy Steering Committee & Work-Group Leads 1. Peer Review and Mentorship Sandro Cinti Internal Medicine Michael Englesbe Surgery Bev Yashar Human Genetics 2. Faculty Development and Monthly Conferences Norah Naughton Anesthesiology Ken Pituch Pediatrics Joe Hornyak PMR 3. Membership/Selection/Recognition Robert Lash Internal Medicine Linda Selwa Neurology 4. Scholarship Michael Hortsch Cell & Development Biology Mark Prince Otolaryngology 5. Valuing Education Clifford Craig Orthopaedic Surgery Rachel Glick Psychiatry Chair, Joe Kolars
Peer Review/Mentoring Work Group 1.What is a prototype peer review instrument that could be piloted this Fall? 2.What is a process map for piloting the instrument, recruiting participants, and developing an approach to evaluation of the pilot?
Monthly Meetings/Faculty Development Work Group 1.What would a 10-month seminar program look like for the upcoming year (starting in September) with regard to specific topics Key topics? Research idea presentations from members Informational presentations from units that may be helpful (CRLT, med ed) Great debates (Pro/Con – development of a ‘educator track’) etc. Note: It was acknowledged that a strong, valuable portion of the seminar gatherings is the networking and we must be careful not to overly program to the point that this isn’t as spontaneous as it could be.
Membership Work Group 1.What is a simple mechanism for valuing and tracking engagement of members? (i.e. what ‘counts’ regarding the work of the academy? What is the unit of measure for engagement with regard to working on what counts? How to track?) 2.What should be our policy on recruiting new members? (i.e., when should we have our next membership drive? How many times a year? When do we start considering faculty outside the medical school/learners?) 3.What should be the criteria by which funds are made available to members?
Membership Work Group 1.What is a simple mechanism for valuing and tracking engagement of members? (i.e. what ‘counts’ regarding the work of the academy? What is the unit of measure for engagement with regard to working on what counts? How to track?) 2.What should be our policy on recruiting new members? (i.e., when should we have our next membership drive? How many times a year? When do we start considering faculty outside the medical school/learners?) 3.What should be the criteria by which funds are made available to members? (i.e. what kind of faculty development activities should the Academy be investing in? How would faculty access/apply for – dependent on level of engagement? How would we measure return on investment? For modeling purposes, assume we have $50-100K to invest in our members over the academic year.)
Scholarship Work Group 1.What should be the ingredients/mock-up of an Academy Web site with tools that can enable faculty to pursue scholarship in medical education? This would include a repository of the scholarship that is 2. How can we propose a suite of enablers to promote scholarship? 3. How can we advise the membership group regarding the role of a small grants program to promote scholarship among faculty
Scholarship Work Group 1.What should be the ingredients/mock-up of an Academy Web site with tools that can enable faculty to pursue scholarship in medical education? This would include a repository of the scholarship that is taking place and a ‘dating site’ for those hoping to find partners on ideas or projects. 2.How can we propose a suite of enablers to promote scholarship? What would be the strategic planning process map for the development of a Medical Education Core? 3.How can we advise the membership group regarding the role of a small grants program to promote scholarship among faculty
Valuing Education Work Group 1.What can we learn from the approaches Departments are taking to notifying their faculty about the distribution of education dollars? (This presumes the data will be provided by the Deans office to the workgroup for review and analysis). 2.How can exemplars be presented to the Academy for deeper understanding and, hopefully, the adoption of best practices in other Departments? (e.g., detailed presentation of 2-4 Departmental approaches, at least one of which is Basic Science).
Discussion groups Who are you? What has influenced you most in your development as a teacher? What will it take in the upcoming year for you to become a more enabled teacher?