Iowa Olweus Trainers Kathy Lockard, AEA 13/14 Jaymie Randel, AEA 267 Karolyn Zeller, AEA 11 Penny Bisignano, Iowa Olweus Coordinator
Participants will be introduced to the national movement from traditional ways of defining safe schools to new ways Participants will be introduced to the “right questions” to ask about safe schools Participants will deepen their understanding of the IYS and OBQ for decision-making
President Obama’s Aspiration: “ Produce a higher percentage of college graduates than any other country in the world by the end of the next decade.”
Goal 1: Adopt Rigorous Standards Goal 2: Recruit and Retain Effective Teachers Goal 3: Build Data Systems Goal 4: Turn Around Low-Performing Schools
Goal 1: Adopt Rigorous Standards Safe Schools Need School Climate Standards Goal 3: Build Data Systems Safe Schools Measure School Climate with the Same Rigor They Measure Academic Progress
“It’s simple. Students can’t learn if they don’t feel safe. Period. “
What surprises you about the information? What concerns you about the information? What questions does the information raise?
We’re doing great if there is no Theft Violence Serious Violence Thus, in the traditional view, low victimizations and school associated homicides equaled a safe school. Kevin Jennings, Dec. 2009
Like the Titanic….. the problems often occur below the surface…
Behavior such as verbal threats, hate language, bullying, and social rejection is almost twice as likely to cause students to skip school and avoid places/activities than theft and attacks. Kevin Jennings December, 2009
Passive Acceptance of Injustice K-12 students answered, “When I see someone being teased or hit, I think.... ”
In a Truly Safe School Every Student Feels … They Belong. They are Valued. They are Physically and Emotionally Safe.
all students Iowa is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. The Law
“A student is being bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students..” “A student is being bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. Bullying implies an imbalance in power or strength. The student who is bullied has difficulty defending himself/ herself.” Dan Olweus Dan Olweus (1993)
How many students are being bullied at school? How often are students afraid of being bullied at school? Where is bullying taking place at your school?
How often do adults at school intervene when they see a student being bullied? How many students being bullied tell an adult at school? How often do students try to put a stop to bullying when a student is being bullied at school?
Student Surveys Student Self Reports Student Interviews Parent/family Reports Community Reports Bullying Surveys Climate Surveys Educator Observations National Data Iowa Data
3 Iowa Olweus Schools (1300 Students)
School- school wide committee, all staff trained, school wide curriculum, classroom meetings, teaching and reinforcing rules against bullying, ongoing efforts to sustain, evaluation of effectiveness in reducing bullying Classroom- class meetings held at least weekly in every class, circles used for structure, specific curriculum delivered to all, teaching and reinforcing rules against bullying,
Individual- On-the-spot interventions done with effectiveness by all staff, follow-up to all interventions for all parties, communication with parents/families of those involved in bullying incidents, consequences for bullying consistently applied Parents/families- participation on the coordinating committee, part of school/community campaigns to reduce bullying, participants in a kickoff to begin the campaign, part of the ongoing evaluation of effectiveness
Community- leaders in community campaigns to reduce bullying in schools and community, members of the coordinating committee, engaged with school, families and youth to reduce bullying
Information on what schools report, the new pilot for Iowa and how to get that data in your school.
What is on top for you? Penny Bisignano