xxx IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER Title: Multi-Radio Power Management Date Submitted: September, 2007 Presented at IEEE session #21, Kona, Hawaii Authors or Source(s): Behcet Sarikaya (Huawei), Daniel Park, Subranshu Singh (Samsung), Chan Wah (Panasonic) Abstract: Multi-Radio Power Management SG Problem Statement Contribution
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xxx Multi-Radio Power Management Study Group Problem Statement
xxx Problem 1: Power Management for Paging in Multi-Radio environment Current paging systems are designed to achieve power savings but the assumption is that there is only one interface Current paging systems require periodic wake-ups in idle mode which consumes battery Current paging systems signal to a large number of base stations in search of MN which leads to non-optimal usage of the mobile communications infrastructure Considerable power savings at the MN can be achieved using multi-radio power management and also radio/network/device resource optimization at the mobile communication infrastructure can be provided in paging in multi- radio mobiles
xxx What is the problem? lacks primitives for reducing power consumption of the mobile node in media independent non-handover operations such as for paging Single-radio paging primitives do not allow multi-radio paging related operations to be defined Single-radio paging system A do not cooperate with single- radio paging system B to enable active mode radio to page the dormant mode interface
xxx Problem 2: Power Management for Location Update Location of the mobile in idle mode needs to be updated. Current systems are designed with a single interface in mind and therefore lead to high battery consumption because the interface has to stay active during location signaling Single-radio or vertical systems do not take into account the additional capabilities arising from having multiple radios In multi-radio mobiles, considerable power savings at the MN can be achieved by being able to use the active mode radio for location updates
xxx What is the problem? lacks primitives for reducing power consumption of the mobile node in media independent non-handover operations such as for location update Single-radio paging primitives do not allow multi-radio location update related operations to be defined Single-radio paging system A do not cooperate with single- radio paging system B to enable active mode radio to be used in the location update of the dormant mode interface
xxx Problem 3: Power Management for Idle Mode Protocol Idle mode entry/exit needs to be signaled. Current systems are designed with a single interface in mind and therefore lead to high battery consumption because the interface has to stay active during idle mode signaling Single-radio or vertical systems do not take into account the additional capabilities arising from having multiple radios Considerable power savings at the MN can be achieved using multi-radio power management by simply considering the multi-radio capability and use the active mode radio for idle mode signaling
xxx Problem 4: obtaining fast-changing interface parameters using active interface MN wishes to obtain association parameters for an inactive interface Eg. Beacon timings, channel information, etc However, current MIH IS is inadequate to provide such fast changing information to MN Capability needed: Obtain information over interface B for configuration parameters of interface A
xxx What needs to be excluded? To develop power optimization algorithms for the mobile devices because they are implementation specific and interoperability can not be tested
xxx Potential Solution Approach Extend with new primitives and information elements ES extensions Power related link state change notification Power schedule events CS extensions Configuration of power related behavior of clients IS extensions Declaration of power management feature capability
xxx Proposed Direction for Problems Work on Enhanced Functionalities From a wider perspective, single-radio power management systems adaptations for enhancements No standards group is known to be working on the multi-radio power management Leverage on the current experience
xxx Usage Scenario 1 Example: User is browsing on the Wi-Fi interface, User gets a VoIP call on the WiMAX interface, WiMAX network needs to page the user Wake up WiMAX interface using Wi-Fi BS/AP Paging Announcement Primitives: IEEE MS receiving Paging Announcement Primitives: IEEE
xxx Usage Scenario 2 Example: User has WiFi connection that is currently active and WiMAX connection that is idle Instead of contending on the WiMAX airlink, MS uses the Wi-Fi radio to perform location update for its WiMAX radio BS/AP Location Update Request/Response Primitives: IEEE MS Location Update Request/Response Primitives: IEEE
xxx Usage Scenario 3 Example: Multiple radios are being switched to idle mode For example: when the user takes a break, his WiMAX, WiFi and 3G connections may go into idle mode IM Entry/Exit for radios i, j, k happens on radio-i MS Enter/Exit Idle Mode Request/Response Primitives: IEEE BS/AP Enter/Exit Idle Mode Request/Response Primitives: IEEE
xxx Usage Scenario 4 PoA A Access Network 1. Inactive mode PoA B B A MN 2. Configure or setup parameters for interface A
xxx Savings on Battery Consumption On 3GPP2 interfaces Broadcast paging takes 2.56s if succeeds otherwise s for each additional page On interfaces To be worked out
xxx Q & A?