Measuring Development Created by 2012 Comp. Gov’t Students
GDP 1.A calculation of the change in the market value of goods, services and structures produced in a Country in a given year. 2.It's a fairly accurate measurement of a country's economy. It includes a lot of variables such as, exports, imports, government spending, consumption, and investment. 3.It doesn't measure the standard of living and personal income. 4. US- high (#1). In 2010, the GDP of the US was $14,601,400,000,000. Uganda- medium (#107). In 2010, the GDP of Uganda was $17,015,000. Tuvalu-low(#211). In 2010, the GDP of Tuvalu was $31,000,000
GNP 1. It measures the market value of all products and services produced in one year by labor and property, supplied by the residents of the country. 2. Was the primary measure of economic activity before Failed to provide an easy comparison of other measures All other countries already adopted GDP 4. High: USA ($15,097,083) Medium: Canada ($1,570,000) Low: Mozambique ($80)
GNI 1. measures the total economic output. 2. you can find the GNI per capita which is total eco nomic output divided by total population. this is th e average economic output per person and is impor tant in finding a standard of living across a country. 3. it is in terms of international currency exchange r ates which isn't specific to how much bang for your buck you can get in differing countries. 4. GNI high U.S. 15 trillion, medium Uganda 17.5 bill ion, low Samoa 587 million, GNI per capita Monaco 183,150, medium Serbia 5,680 low Ethiopia 400
PPP 1) The PPP measures the relative values of currencies, adjusts exchang e rates to be equivalent to the countries purchasing power. 2) The strength of the PPP is that it takes into account the costs of livin g in a country by figuring what the purchasing price is of goods in com parison to other countries. Also, it's an appropriate currency convertor to compare the GDP and its components across countries. 3) The weakness of the PPP is that the cost of living in different countri es are always changing and so are the exchange rates. 4) High: Qatar-$88,919 Medium: Maldives-$8,932 Low: Congo-$375 All in terms of GDP at PPP per capita.(International Dollar)
HDI 1.A measurement of a country's average life expectancy. 2.Strength: makes for a nice, strong correlation between GDP and life expectancy (r^2=.92). 3.Weakness: doesn't account for ecological circumstances, considered unfair, inaccurate. 4.Strong country: freaking Norway.943Middle country: China.687Lower country: The Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Gini Coefficient 1. The Gini coefficient measures the inequality a mong values of a frequency distribution (for exa mple levels of income). 2. It compares nations wealth distribution and ra nge to others 3. It doesn't show how rich or how poor, as well as who the money is going to (race, religion, eth nic group) 4. (Sweden <0.25, United States , South Africa <0.60)
HPI 1) HPI measures the poverty in countries. 2) By measuring knowledge, survival, and decent st andard of living, HPI reflects socio- economic diferences. 3) Some data for the indicators is not always availab le in all countries. 4)lowest: 6.8 middle: 11 highest: 29.8 (high numbers are ʺ bad ʺ and low numbers reflect a low level of poverty)