WSIS FORUM + 10 UNESCO, Paris February 26th, 2013 Ethical and Societal Challenges of the Information Society Thematic Matrix
Background and Objectives Building on the 2007 report “Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies: A Survey” (Chris Conley & Mary Rundle) Reassessing the state of ICT transformation since 2007 with view to identifying the pathways leading from technological transformation to societal and ethical transformation Creating analytic frames which bring such reassessment to inform stakeholders and policy-processes. Rethinking what “Ethics” and “Humanity” really are in relation to the Information Society. Developing foresight-oriented paradigms that anticipate what the next chapter of the “technologies story” will be…
Social Media Technological Change: Facebook/Twitter/YouTube etc. Social Change: “Society” → Network/Alone in the Network/ Virtual Social Capital/ Collecting “Friends”etc/“Twitter Revolutions”/ Cyber- Bullying Ethical Change: New Cognitive and Emotional Constitution of the “Human”/Changing Structure of Interpersonal Communications and “Community”/No Indicators for potential act of bullying/ Regulation vs. Internet Freedom/Hate Speech
Google Technological Change: The Google Revolution Social Change: Ease of Work and Research/Efficiency and New Horizon of “Knowledge”/ The “Googlisation” of Memory, Learning, and Human Capacities Ethical Change: Google as Empire/Knowledge Hegemonies/Reduction of Humans to “Applications”/Shifts in Cognitive and Brain Functions/Attention Economies
Surveillance Technological Change: RFID/Sensors Social Change: Logistics/Law Enforcement/Tracking of Citizens in Businesses, Schools, and Institutions Ethical Change: Violation of Privacy/Violation of the Body/Orwellian Dystopias/ Religious and Cultural Controversies: Saudi Women, the Andrea Hernandez Case/The Stockpiling of Personal Data – by Whom, What for?
“Real” and Virtual Selves Technological Change: Digital Identities Social Change: Enhanced Consumer Security/Virtual Freedom of Assembly/Profiling/Identity Fraud Ethical Change: “Real” vs. “Digital Ethics”/ Is the Virtual World a “World” Girded by Laws, Moral Codes, and Ways of Being or Know How/Citizenship vs. E-Citizenship/Inter-Cultural Information Ethics
Bio-Politics Technological Change: Biometrics Social Change: Profiling/ “Free Citizen” vs. “Potential Terrorist”/The Body as Object of National Security/Population “Management” Ethical Change: What Constitutes the “Compelling Argument” that Legitimates the “State of Exception?”
Cyber-Politics Technological Change: Cyber-War/Cyber-Resistance Social Change: Drones/Hacking of Grids/Hactivism Ethical Change: Just Cyber-War/Efficacy of Cyber-Micro-Policy/ICTs as Spaces of Subversion/Total War – Citizens as Soldiers being “Trained” On-Line.