British Values at Boston Spa School
What do we mean by British Values?
What are British Values? The Department for Education wrote: "We want to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This will sit alongside the requirements of the Equalities Act which also apply to all types of school."
How we promote British Values at Boston Spa School Working in pairs discuss what you know about British Values in you lessons Here are some ideas to help you : Learning about different religions and faiths in RE lessons Learning about languages and different lifestyles Discussion and debating in lessons Voting students to represent you on Student VOICE Actively combating discrimination by having Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in each year Raising money for charities and participating in House events Focus days where we consider and think about the following : International Literacy Day International Day of Language Black History month Breast Cancer Awareness(House) World Food Day Dyslexia Awareness week Children In Need (House) Armistice Day Anti -Bullying week Take Over Day
Student VOICE Promoting democratic processes such as a school council We We have a student VOICE who interview new staff for a job in our school
ELECTIONS General or local elections and mock elections We will be taking part in a election for the 2015 general election on May 7 th
DEBATE POINTS OF VIEW Argue and defend points of view We discuss and debate and give our points of view in tutor time activities and lessons
COMBAT DISCRIMINATION Promote tolerance of other cultures and faiths We learn about different faiths and religions in Personal Values lessons, Citizenship,The Box and RE lessons
What do British Values mean to our school