Marcia Hamilton, M.A. CCC/SLP Ventura County Office of Education November 3, 2012 UNIQUE CHALLENGES IMPACTING SOCIAL SKILLS
ANTHROPOLOGISTS ON EARTH Individuals on the Autism Spectrum are like anthropologists because…
Living in a Relative World No Absolutes Meaning is Context Dependent Context Blindness Understanding Autism from Within AUTISM FRIENDLINESS CONTEX STIMULUS Meaning
4 CONTEXT BLINDNESS Basketball Passes
Neuro-Typicals Gestalt - Whole Similarities (Categorization) Generalization 90% Subconscious Faster than a blink of an eye Simultaneous Bottom-Up & Top Down Context Blindness (ASD) Details Differences Difficulty with Generalization 100% Conscious Slow Processing Primarily Bottom-Up 5 PROCESSING THE CONTEXT
Context Blindness as the Common Pathway Vermeulen, 2007 INFLUENCE OF CONTEXT BLINDNESS ON OTHER THEORIES Context Blindness Theory of Mind Central Cohesion Executive Function
SOCIAL CHALLENGE Making accurate guesses about what others are experiencing, thinking & feeling – Surprise, surprise!!
SOCIAL CHALLENGES Difficulty choosing the most salient information We ignore most of our environment and are picking up clues that tell us what to do next Difficulty rating the best response & navigating subtleties
SOCIAL CHALLENGES Issues with Executive Functioning Difficulty planning & organizing tasks Difficulty monitoring one’s own performance Difficulty inhibiting inappropriate responses Difficulty utilizing feedback Difficulty suppressing distracting stimuli
MEMORY, THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING Episodic Memory Experience Sharing Relative Thinking Weakness for Students with ASD Procedural Memory Instrumental Interaction Absolute Thinking
SOCIAL CHALLENGES Literal Interpretation Concrete – Black/White Thinkers Decreased Flexibility
Deficits in Reading the Context 12 IMPLICATIONS FOR INSTRUCTION AND PROGRAM PLANNING A BCD A B Episodic Memory Procedural Memory
SOCIAL CHALLENGES Solve social situations through deduction & sequence rather than using inferential reasoning & formal logic Social happens too fast Different social currency Let’s go shopping
Due to Context Blindness, processing style, and problem solving skills ANXIETY & FATIGUE Context Blindness Stronger Procedural Memory Increased Anxiety & Fatigue
SOCIAL SKILLS Most children acquire social skills through learning that involves observation, modeling, coaching, social problem solving, behavior rehearsal, feedback, and reinforcement-based strategies (Gresham & Elliot, 1990).
SOCIAL THINKING-SOCIAL COMMUNICATION PROFILE (ST-SCP) (WINNER, 2011) High Nuance Challenged Social Communicator (Includes SASC and WISC) Mild Emerging Social Communicators (ESC) Moderate Challenged Social Communicator (CSC) Low Significantly Challenged (SCSC) Flash Mob
Relationships Thoughts - Perspective Taking Social / Emotional Regulation FROM THE FOUNDATION
Making Impressions What we do What we say How we look and dress SOCIAL INTERACTIONS
IntentionBehaviorEffect Positive/Good Negative/Bad SOCIAL INTERACTIONS + --
IntentionBehaviorEffect Positive/Good Negative/Bad SOCIAL INTERACTIONS + -- BULLYING
IntentionBehaviorEffect Positive/Good Negative/Bad SOCIAL INTERACTIONS + -- TEASING
IntentionBehaviorEffect Positive/Good Negative/Bad SOCIAL INTERACTIONS + -- MISUNDERSTANDINGS
IntentionBehaviorEffect Positive/Good Negative/Bad SOCIAL INTERACTIONS + -- UNSUCCESSFUL BULLYING
Specific type of aggression Physical Verbal Written Backhanded Psychological (isolation, rumors, intimidation, exclusion, non-verbal) Absurd Information Behavior is intended to harm and have negative affect on another Negative action gets immediate or delayed negative reaction There is an imbalance of power Carried out repeatedly &/or over time WHAT IS BULLYING
Why do people choose to be a Bully? Power & Control Social Climber Revenge Anger Racial/Intolerance Entertainment Perceived benefits of bullying Popularity Inclusion Illusion of Power Provocative Victim BULLIES
Education Code Section Assembly Bill 1156 – July 1, 2012 LAWS & BULLYING
Neurological differences in perceiving, processing and responding for individuals with ASD Cognition & Language Skills Context Blindness Theory of Mind Executive Functioning Central Cohesion Self Regulation – Emotionality Concrete Reasoners Literal Interpretations Stereotypic Interests & Behaviors Resistance to Controls Obsession to Maintain Sameness Extreme Withdraw Motivations to Bully Power & Control Social Climber Revenge Anger Racial/Intolerance Entertainment WHY IS MY CHILD AT RISK
WEBSITES www. www.
WEBSITES search.php?t=5&key=bullying&sGradeLevel=100&sCurriculum= search.php?t=5&key=bullying&sGradeLevel=100&sCurriculum= 100