doc.: IEEE /045r0 AgendaRich Kennedy, Research In Motion IEEE (WLAN) Issues for Date: Authors: May 2012 Slide 1
doc.: IEEE /045r0 AgendaRich Kennedy, Research In Motion Abstract This presentation is the plan for the May15, 2012 IEEE issues for at the meeting in Atlanta. May 2012 Slide 2
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda ETSI TR Opening the 5350 – 5470 MHz and 5850 to 5925 MHz bands FCC R&O on the TVWS Unlicensed use of the 5 GHz band –First ETSI BRAN TVWS meeting June 6th – 8th to develop EN ) –TG11 meeting June 4th and 5th on EN v1.9.1 SRdoc on DA2GC Two new Requirements documents of interest –ETSI EN V3.2.1 –ETSI EN V1.3.1 Ofcom TVWS meetings outcome so far Ofcom VNS plan New liaison from IEEE to Japans TVWS Promotion Committee Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion May 2012 Slide 3
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Regulatory Summary – North America US –Opening the 5350 – 5470 MHz and 5850 to 5925 MHz bands –FCC R&O on the TVWS Canada Mexico Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion May 2012 Slide 4
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Progress on Unlicensed Spectrum Changes Unlicensed use of the 5 GHz band –8-month NTIA study to add MHz to U-NII –18-month NTIA study for MHz Possible new unlicensed spectrum in 3550 to 3650 MHz May 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 5
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda CSMAC Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Council Next meeting May 30th from 10a-12p EST at the U.S. Department of Commerce (1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 4830, Washington, DC 20230)Draft discussions on unlicensed spectrum …the CSMAC will consider the appropriate processes and structure for facilitating the development of recommendations based on a dialogue between industry and relevant federal agencies to make the MHz band available for wireless broadband, while maintaining essential federal capabilities and maximizing commercial utilization. NTIA will post a detailed agenda on its website, prior to the meeting. Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion May 2012 Slide 6
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Regulatory Summary – European Union ETSI –First ETSI BRAN TVWS meeting June 6 th – 8 th to develop EN ) –TG11 meeting June 4 th and 5 th on EN v1.9.1 –SRdoc on DA2GC –Two new Requirements documents of interest ETSI EN V3.2.1 ETSI EN V1.3.1 UK –Ofcom TVWS meetings outcome so far –Ofcom VNS plan Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion May 2012 Slide 7
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Regulatory Summary - Asia New liaison from IEEE to Japans TVWS Promotion Committee –First update during Wednesday mid-week plenary Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion May 2012 Slide 8
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Lufthansa DA2GC Direct Air to Ground Communications Network to span all of western Europe Base stations to blanket the EU Provides a number of service for in-flight operation FM PT48 recommended 2.4 GHz band not be used Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion May 2012 Slide 9
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Supports Multiple Services Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion May 2012 Slide 10
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Coverage with 2.4 GHz Base Stations Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Deployment of base stations in order to get continuous coverage throughout Europe May 2012 Slide 11
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda References FCC Report and Order on changes in the TV bands: Direct Air to Ground Data Connectivity for A/C Use of License Exempt Spectrum: lufthansa-da2gc-presentation.pdf lufthansa-da2gc-presentation.pdf ETSI TR : E0QFjAA& 48%2F5406%2FFM48(12)026_revised-Draft-ETSI-SRDoc-TR &ei=xf6wT7GUOaT66QHC6fS5CQ&usg=AFQjCNGWFbqMHY4ZUQd gBPs2RGhGQ45XKA E0QFjAA& 48%2F5406%2FFM48(12)026_revised-Draft-ETSI-SRDoc-TR &ei=xf6wT7GUOaT66QHC6fS5CQ&usg=AFQjCNGWFbqMHY4ZUQd gBPs2RGhGQ45XKA May 2012 Slide 12Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda References (2) ETSI EN V3.2.1: ed=0CGsQFjAA& F301900_301999%2F %2F _60%2Fen_ v030201p.pdf&ei =NQKxT5bxIOSg0QWFiZShCQ&usg=AFQjCNGz20Wdr4wRsN4LLWWppocTf HZ-1Q ed=0CGsQFjAA& F301900_301999%2F %2F _60%2Fen_ v030201p.pdf&ei =NQKxT5bxIOSg0QWFiZShCQ&usg=AFQjCNGz20Wdr4wRsN4LLWWppocTf HZ-1Q ETSI EN V1.3.1: GAQFjAA& _300099%2F %2F _40%2Fen_ v010301o.pdf&ei=owKx T9CKL4210QWz--mcCQ&usg=AFQjCNEiiAq3H_TeF3jQbGzKTxlwoJP0tA GAQFjAA& _300099%2F %2F _40%2Fen_ v010301o.pdf&ei=owKx T9CKL4210QWz--mcCQ&usg=AFQjCNEiiAq3H_TeF3jQbGzKTxlwoJP0tA May 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 13
doc.: IEEE /045r0 Agenda Interesting Websites and Documents FCC Spectrum Dashboard ( onversationId=1533) onversationId=1533 Second Interim Progress Report on the Ten-Year Plan and Timetable ( ss_report_on_the_ten_year_plan_and_timetable.pdf) ss_report_on_the_ten_year_plan_and_timetable.pdf FCC Technical Advisory Council, December 2011 ( 11-final.pdf) 11-final.pdf ETSI Report of the 39 th Radio Spectrum Committee meeting: c_documents_2012/rsc39/rscom12-11_rsc39pdf/_EN_1.0_&a=d May 2012 Slide 14Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion