To educate students about cyber bullying through visual reality To show students that they don’t have to suffer in silence – there is help available.
To realize the consequences of cyber bullying through visual media.
To help students know the reality of cyber bullying and the effects on their lives and the lives of others. This could create awareness for both the perpetrator and the victim, thus perhaps decreasing absenteeism and drop-outs.
Performance space, Props, Scenery, Music, Student Created Scripts, Video Camera/Tripod
Have students create a historical skit demonstrating bullying of the past.
Have students create skits demonstrating cyber bullying of the present. Name Calling Pictures Death Threats Degradation/Happy Slapping
Have students create skits showing the negative consequences of the above examples of cyber bulling. Dropping out of school Suicide Attendance Legal Issues Loss of friends
Have students create skits showing the results of handling cyber bullying appropriately and how to handle situations of cyber bullying. Save all media messages and conversations Report to appropriate authority immediately Seek help if needed
Surveys will be distributed to the audience before and after the performance. Pre-test survey: Have you ever been cyber bullied? How did you handle the situation? Include grade and gender. Post-test survey: Would you handle your situation differently since viewing this performance? Include grade and gender.
Music, Art, Acting, Writing, History, Speech Communication.
Since students learn more from visual than lecture, seeing actual events that happen is more successful in their lives. As students view the reality of cyber bullying, they will come face to face with the effects of this problem. As we continue to become a cyber- society, there is an ever changing need to educate young people of the dangers that they can encounter while being more and more reliable on technology. If one cannot govern themselves, then we have anarchy in cyberville.