Next round Glorious glands Pathology Biotech Bonanza It’s in the Genes This & That Disease Detectives
Glorious glands100 hormone produced by pituitary gland often misused by athletes Ans: What is growth hormone? Return.
Glorious glands 200 Hormone produced by the islets of Langerhans Ans: What is insulin? Return.
Glorious glands 300 Hormones that are released during fight or flight response Ans: What are epinehrine/norepinephrine or adrenaline/noradrenaline ? Return.
Glorious glands 400 Too much growth hormone during childhood Ans: What giantism? Return.
Glorious glands 500 Hormone that controls internal clock Ans: What is melatonin? Return.
Pathology 100 Objective abnormalities Ans: What are signs? Return.
Pathology 200 Subjective abnormalities Ans: What are symptoms? Return.
Pathology 300 Cancer specialist Ans: What is an oncologist? Return.
Pathology400 Pattern of a disease’s development Ans: What is pathogenesis? Return.
Pathology 500 Seven warning signs of cancer Ans: What are sores that don’t heal, unusual bleeding, change in wart, lump, persistant cough, chronic indigestion, change in bowel function ? Return.
Biotech Bonanza100 “start” end of electrophoresis has this charge Ans: What is negative? Return.
Biotech Bonanza 200 The end of the gel where you find smallest pieces of DNA Ans: What is the positive end or “finish” line? Return.
Biotech Bonanza 300 Scissors used to cut DNA Ans: What are restriction enzymes? Return.
Biotech Bonanza 400 Small circular pieces of bacterial DNA Ans: What is a plasmid? Return.
Biotech Bonanza 500 The steps of genetically engineering a protein Ans: What are 1. isolating gene and plasmid, 2. restriction digest, 3. ligation, 4. transformation,5. fermentation, 6. harvesting (lysing) and 7.purification, ? Return.
It’s in the Genes 100 Protein product used to treat diabetes made by this gene Ans: What is insulin gene? Return.
It’s in the Genes 200 gene that promotes tumors Ans: What is an oncogene? Return.
It’s in the Genes 300 Technique to determine all of your entire genetic makeup Ans: What is genome sequencing? Return.
It’s in the Genes 400 Test to determine extra chromosomes during pregnancy Ans: What is aminocentesis and/or Chorionic Villi Sampling? Return.
It’s in the Genes 500 The reason that Valerie’s normal tissue had more bands in the DNA fingerprint compared to the tumor sample Ans: What 2 different alleles compared to 2 mutant alleles? Return.
This & That 100 Over secretion of a hormome Ans: What is hypersecretion? Return.
This & That 200 Under secretion of a hormone Ans: What is hyposecretion? Return.
This & That 300 Master gland Ans: What is the pituitary gland? Return.
This & That 400 How bpa affects the endocrine system Ans: What is acting as an endocrine disruptor, mimicking estrogen, possible link to diabetes? Return.
This & That 500 Hypothalamus sends more thyroid releasing hormome to pituitary which sends more thyroid stimulating hormone to thyroid which releases more thyroxine then hypothalamus sends less TRH…. Ans: What is a negative feedback loop? Return.
Disease detectives Types of pathogenic organisms Ans: What are bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, animals? Return.
Disease detectives ways to get rid of pathogens Ans: What is disinfection, antisepsis, antibiotics, sterilization? Return.
Disease detectives 300 Epidemic that spans a large geographical area Ans: What is a pandemic? Return.
Disease detectives Risk factors for acquiring disease Ans: What are age, genetics, lifestyle, environment, pre- existing conditon? Return.
Disease detectives 500 Difference between a tumor suppressor gene and an oncogene Ans: What is suppressor prevents cancer growth and oncogene promotes tumor growth? Return.
Final Jeopardy Category: Biotechnology
A gene studied that has been linked to cancer (and its gene type) Ans: What is p53 and tumor suppressor gene?