By: John Yentzer And Corey Bollinger
Mercury 1. Distance From Sun-57,910,000 km (0.38 AU) 2. 1 Mercury Year equals 58.7 Earth Days 3. Mercury is about 3,031 miles in diameter 4. A 100 pound person would weigh 38 pounds 5. The surface gravity is about 38% of Earth’s 6. Since the atmosphere is so thin the sky would be black even during the day. 7. Mercury has no moon 8. Mercury is named after the Greek Messenger of the gods. 9. Its temperatures vary from -270*F to 800*F 10. Mercury is so close to the sun that it can only be seen during sunrise or sunset
Venus 1. Venus is 67,230,000 miles or 0.72 AU 2. Venus is 7,521 miles in diameter 3. Venus has no moons
Earth 1. Only planet in solar system know to support life 2. Earth Is 93,000,000 miles or 1 AU From the Sun 3. Earth has 1 Moon 4. 1 Day Is 23 Hours and 56 Minutes 5. The Orbit Period of the Earth days 6. The Earth is the 5 th Largest Planet 7. Three quarters of Earth is covered by water 8. The temperature on Earth ranges from between -127°F to 136°F 9. The Earth's mass is about 5.98 x kg. 10. The Earth is about 7,926 miles (12,756 km) in diameter
Mars 1. Mars has the solar systems largest volcanic Olympus Mons. 2. Mars is the forth planet from the sun 3. Mars is about 4,222 miles in diameter. 4. A 100-pound person on Mars would weigh 38 pounds 5. Mars is 1/9th of the mass of the Earth 6. Mars has 2 tiny moons, Phobos and Deimos 7. Mars is about ½ the size of the earth
Works Cited astronomy/planets/mercury/ astronomy/planets/mercury/ Science textbook