An Early Morning of Comet-watching and Stargazing at the UW-Platteville Cooper Living and Learning Center Saturday, November 16 th, 2013, from 5-7 AM Sponsored by the UW-Platteville Department of Engineering Physics and presented by astronomer Dr. Paul Strycker. Binoculars will be provided for individual use during the event. Planets, a nebula and Comet ISON will be shown through a telescope. Be sure to arrive by 5:45 AM if you want to see the comet! Hot chocolate, coffee and donuts will be provided! Comet Image by Damian Peach Inclement weather would result in an indoor event at the Cooper Living and Learning Center for informal discussions about Comet ISON and tools for observing the night sky.
Comet ISON will encounter the Sun this Thanksgiving Day. The best viewing of this comet may be after it passes the Sun, but the encounter may also destroy it. Come see this comet before it reaches the Sun!
Directions to the Cooper Living and Learning Center At the Pioneer Farm College Farm Road Platteville, WI
Cooper Living and Learning Center At the Pioneer Farm College Farm Road Platteville, WI
Time Comet ISON's Elevation Above HorizonNotes Event Start:5:00 AM10.5 degreesConstellations, Jupiter, Mars, Pleiades, Great Orion Nebula Astronomical Twilight:5:17 AM13.3 degreesComet will be at the best combination of elevation and sky darkness. Nautical Twilight:5:50 AM18.5 degreesComet will be at a good combination of elevation and sky darkness. Moon Set:5:51 AM18.7 degreesWatch the Full Moon set. Mercury is now visible. Civil Twilight:6:25 AM23.7 degreesComet, planets and stars will quickly disappear in the growing light. Sun Rise:6:55 AM27.7 degreesWatch the sun rise. Event End:7:00 AM
Time Comet ISON's Elevation Above HorizonNotes Event Start:5:00 AM10.5 degreesConstellations, Jupiter, Mars, Pleiades, Great Orion Nebula Astronomical Twilight:5:17 AM13.3 degreesComet will be at the best combination of elevation and sky darkness. Nautical Twilight:5:50 AM18.5 degreesComet will be at a good combination of elevation and sky darkness. Moon Set:5:51 AM18.7 degreesWatch the Full Moon set. Mercury is now visible. Civil Twilight:6:25 AM23.7 degreesComet, planets and stars will quickly disappear in the growing light. Sun Rise:6:55 AM27.7 degreesWatch the sun rise. Event End:7:00 AM Comet ISON
Time Comet ISON's Elevation Above HorizonNotes Event Start:5:00 AM10.5 degreesConstellations, Jupiter, Mars, Pleiades, Great Orion Nebula Astronomical Twilight:5:17 AM13.3 degreesComet will be at the best combination of elevation and sky darkness. Nautical Twilight:5:50 AM18.5 degreesComet will be at a good combination of elevation and sky darkness. Moon Set:5:51 AM18.7 degreesWatch the Full Moon set. Mercury is now visible. Civil Twilight:6:25 AM23.7 degreesComet, planets and stars will quickly disappear in the growing light. Sun Rise:6:55 AM27.7 degreesWatch the sun rise. Event End:7:00 AM
Time Comet ISON's Elevation Above HorizonNotes Event Start:5:00 AM10.5 degreesConstellations, Jupiter, Mars, Pleiades, Great Orion Nebula Astronomical Twilight:5:17 AM13.3 degreesComet will be at the best combination of elevation and sky darkness. Nautical Twilight:5:50 AM18.5 degreesComet will be at a good combination of elevation and sky darkness. Moon Set:5:51 AM18.7 degreesWatch the Full Moon set. Mercury is now visible. Civil Twilight:6:25 AM23.7 degreesComet, planets and stars will quickly disappear in the growing light. Sun Rise:6:55 AM27.7 degreesWatch the sun rise. Event End:7:00 AM
Time Comet ISON's Elevation Above HorizonNotes Event Start:5:00 AM10.5 degreesConstellations, Jupiter, Mars, Pleiades, Great Orion Nebula Astronomical Twilight:5:17 AM13.3 degreesComet will be at the best combination of elevation and sky darkness. Nautical Twilight:5:50 AM18.5 degreesComet will be at a good combination of elevation and sky darkness. Moon Set:5:51 AM18.7 degreesWatch the Full Moon set. Mercury is now visible. Civil Twilight:6:25 AM23.7 degreesComet, planets and stars will quickly disappear in the growing light. Sun Rise:6:55 AM27.7 degreesWatch the sun rise. Event End:7:00 AM
Time Comet ISON's Elevation Above HorizonNotes Event Start:5:00 AM10.5 degreesConstellations, Jupiter, Mars, Pleiades, Great Orion Nebula Astronomical Twilight:5:17 AM13.3 degreesComet will be at the best combination of elevation and sky darkness. Nautical Twilight:5:50 AM18.5 degreesComet will be at a good combination of elevation and sky darkness. Moon Set:5:51 AM18.7 degreesWatch the Full Moon set. Mercury is now visible. Civil Twilight:6:25 AM23.7 degreesComet, planets and stars will quickly disappear in the growing light. Sun Rise:6:55 AM 27.7 degrees Watch the sun rise. Event End:7:00 AM