Liberty Medical
Microvascular and Macrovascular
Pathogenesis Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) Glucose byproducts react with IC and EC proteins AGEs bind RAGE receptor (Inflammatory cells, endothelium, vascular smooth muscle) ○ Increase inflammation, ROS, procoagulant activity AGEs also cross link collagen ○ Decreases elasticity of vessels ○ Helps trap LDL and Proteins (albumin) Activation of PKC IC hyperglycemia stimulates PKC and DAG ○ Pro-inflammatory, pro-fibrinolytic ○ Increases endothelin 1 and decreases NO ○ Increase VEGF (neovascularization in diabetic retinopathy)
Pathogenesis (cont.) Intracellular Hyperglycemia Nerves, Lenses, Kidneys and BV uptake glucose without help of insulin Excess Glucose Sorbitol Fructose ○ Uses Aldolase Reductase ○ Uses NADPH Reduces NADPH needed to regenerate glutathione (an antioxidant) May be major underlying cause of Diabetic Neuropathy
Macrovascular Endothelial Dysfunction HTN CVA, Hemorrhage Accelerated Atherosclerosis All arteries incl. large renal arteries CAD/CHF/MI Coronary atherosclerosis Most common cause of death Gangrene of the Lower Extremities
Diabetic Nephropathy Leading Cause of End-Stage Renal Disease 20 years: 75% of type I and 20% of type II Starts as Microalbuminuria and progresses to macroalbuminuria Marker for increase CV morbidity
Diabetic Retinopathy 60-80% Result of Neovascularization Also: Increased risk of glaucoma and cataract formation
Diabetic Neuropathy Variety of clinical syndromes Most Common: Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy Decreased motor and sensory function particularly of distal lower extremities Eventually involve upper extremities Autonomic Neuropathy Bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction Diabetic Mononeuropathy Ex. Wrist or foot drop; isolated CN palsy
Infections Immunosupressed State TB Pneumonia Pyelonephritis Many reasons (decreased neutrophil function, impaired cytokine production, vascular compromise) 5% of deaths
Resources Robbins