Augmented Reality: By: Brandy Lee Russell Next
What is Augmented Reality? Computers vs. Hand-held Devices What is Augmented Reality? Benefits to AR? Aurasma Experience AR! Discussion Making an Aura Closing END SHOW
History: Computers in the past—big, heavy, cumbersome Browsing the web required time and patience Virtual world vs. physical one What changed? Our gateway to the Internet—got a whole lot smaller Now=Smartphones, iPads, small hand-held devices BYOD, One to One Initiatives in schools This is the start of the next generation of the Internet! Bring to life anything you want—things don’t have to be static any longer. This is where augmented reality comes in. Home
Definition: Home
Benefits of Augmented Reality: Increases Accessibility to Educational Content Increases Student Control Brings Opportunities for Collaboration Motivates Students to Engage Moves Learning from Abstract to Concrete Home
Aurasma: Aurasma is a free mobile app that is available for download from the App Store or Google Play. Aurasma is an augmented reality platform that can power other third party apps. Home
Your Turn to Experience AR: It’s your turn! Please take an iPad and travel around the 5 lesson boards using the Aurasma app Pre-k Phonics Lesson 2nd grade Science Lesson 5th grade Math Lesson 5th grade History Lesson Home 10th grade Poetry Lesson
Discussion: What did you think? Answer these 2 questions: What is one way you can envision integrating this into your classroom right now? How do you think it could benefit student achievement? Home
Aurasma=EASY! Aurasma is easy to use! Follow along with me as we create our very own Aura! How to create an Aura using your device: How to create an Aura using your computer: Home
Closing: Benefits: Not just novelty Creates student-driven activities Helps students master the standards Allows students to make connections between what they are learning in class and what they’re experiencing in the real world—and THAT will RAISE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT! Home