Junior Course Selection Casa Grande High School
For the next hour you will Look at your high school transcript Think about what classes you need for graduation and education after high school Ask questions
What courses do you need? To meet graduation requirements To meet college entrance requirements To satisfy your interests
Petaluma City Schools High School Graduation Requirements California State University (CSU) Min Eligibility “a-g” Requirements University of California (UC) Minimum Eligibility “a-g” Requirements Social Studiesa. Social Science 2 years World History 10 creditsWorld History US History 10 creditsU.S. History American Government 5 credits(may use American Government for ½ year of U.S. History) (may use American Government for ½ year of U.S. History) Economics 5 credits English 40 creditsb. English (college prep) 4 years (may include 1 year of ELD 4) b. English (college prep) 4 years (may include 1 year of ELD 4) Mathematics 20 creditsc. Mathematics 3 years (4 years recommended) Must include Algebra I or Algebra IA + IBAlgebra I Geometry Algebra II Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Additional Math/Science or Math/Science Related 10 credits Scienced. Laboratory Science 2 years (3 years recommended) Physical Science 10 credits Biology 10 credits Physical Science Biological Science 2 of the following 3 foundational subjects: biology, chemistry, physics (1 year may be from an interdisciplinary science course such as AP Env. Science) Fine Arts or Foreign Language 10 creditse. Lang Other Than English 2 yearse. Language Other Than English 2 years (3 years recommended) Physical Education 20 creditsf. Visual and Performing Arts 1 year (from single discipline) f. Visual and Performing Arts 1 year (from single discipline) Human Interaction 5 credits Electives 65 creditsg. Elective (college prep) 1 year Total 220 Credits California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) SAT or ACT must be completed by December of Senior year. Grades of “D” are unacceptable for admission in most subjects. SAT or ACT must be completed by December of Senior year. Subject Tests not required and students must finish 11 of the 15 a-g courses by end of junior year. Grades of “D” are not acceptable for admission in most subjects.
GPA, Credit Status, and Class Rank
High School Graduation Credit Summary
Credit Recovery through Online Curriculum Credit recovery for graduation Work is computer based Must be able to work independently Counselor approval Courses available: English 9, 10, 11, 12 Geometry World History, US History Earth Science American Government Economics
Casa lab sciences recognized by colleges (Area d on the UC a-g list) Physical Science (CSU only) Biology/Honors Anatomy and Physiology Chemistry/Honors Environmental Science AP Physics/AP
Which lab science should I take? It depends on what you want to do after high school It depends on your academic strengths Health Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, English, Business, Education, Arts
Which courses count as Related Math/Science for graduation? Any third year math class Any third year science class Principles of Computer Science, Intro **NEW** Computer Science A AP **NEW ** Auto Technology Auto Repair Technology Drafting Autocad Architectural Autocad Mechanical Cultural Anthropology Computer Technology/PC Repair (Mouse Squad)
Which courses count in the ForLng/VPArt/CTEa-g category for graduation? 3D Animation Acting Art Auto Tech Band Choir Computer Graphic Design Drafting World Languages Music Appreciation Photography Sculpture Yearbook World Languages
What are clusters? Thematic curriculum Integrated topics in English and US History (cluster core) Cluster electives related to cluster core
Clusters Some of your classes will be in a cluster Some of your classes will be global electives
Which cluster is best for you? What are your interests? What will your major be when you attend any type of college after high school? What cluster sparks your curiosity?
Health Career Pathway (HCP)
Social Justice Academy (SJA)
Marketing, Media & Management (M³)
11th Grade Course Selection International House (iHouse) Health Careers Pathway (HCP) Social Justice Academy (SJA) Marketing, Media and Management (M 3 ) English 11 (iHouse) English 11 (HCP) English 11 (SJA) English 11 (M 3 ) US History (iHouse) US History (HCP) US History (SJA) US History (M 3 ) Cluster Electives - Choose at least one from your cluster. Environmental Science AP* United Anglers Field Studies* Psych Intro/Sociology Cultural Anthropology Anatomy & Physiology* Clinical Biology* HCP Co-op* HOSA* Sports Medicine Adv.* Legal Studies/Women’s Role in History Psychology AP Computer Graphic Design Entrepreneurship Culinary Arts Adv* Yearbook* 3D Animation Global Electives Choose your other classes from these electives Advanced Placement Art III AP* Biology AP* English 11 AP* Calculus A/B AP* Calculus B/C AP* Computer Sci A AP* French 4 AP* Physics AP* Spanish Lang 4 AP* Spanish Native 3 AP* Statistics AP* US History AP* ELD ELD 1A/1B* ELD 2/3* ELD 4* Math Math Review Math 1 Algebra II Algebra II Honors Algebra II SDAIE Geometry Geometry SDAIE Trig/Math Analysis Trig/Math Analysis Hon Science Biology Biology SDAIE Chemistry* Chemistry Honors* Physical Science Physical Science SDAIE Physics* World Language French I French 2 French 3 Spanish I Spanish Native I Spanish 2 Spanish Native 2 Spanish 2 Workplace Spanish 3 Spanish 3 Workplace Spanish 4 Workplace Other Electives Academic Decathlon* Acting Beg. Acting Int.* Acting Adv.* Art I Art II* AutoCAD Arch* AutoCAD Mech* Auto Tech I Auto Tech Repair Adv Band Concert Band Symphonic* CAHSEE Math CAHSEE English Choir Concert Choir Chamber* Comp Tech/PC Repair (Mouse Squad) Principle of Comp Sci, Intro Culinary Arts Drafting I English Lang 1, 2, 3 Other Electives (cont) IWE* Jazz Band I* Jazz Band II* Journalism* Leadership* Life Skills (SDC) Life Skills SDC Core Minimum Day* Music Appreciation NewspaperProduction PE 10 Photography Photography Adv. Reading Learning Ctr Sculpture Sports Medicine Study Skills (RSP) Workability (RSP/SDC) World History 10 World History 10 SDAIE
We need your second choices! Reason for 1 st choice cluster _____________________________ Alternate cluster choice: _________
We need your alternate Electives! If you cannot be placed in the electives that you’ve chosen on the front of this form, list your 2 nd and 3 rd choice electives. 2 nd choice elective: __________________ 3 rd choice elective: __________________ 4 th choice elective: _________________
Be thoughtful in your choices Complete the Course Selection sheet completely Choose what you need for graduation, college, trade schools, and your interests
READ about the courses in the Course Description Handbook Need more information? LIKE us on Facebook Casa Grande High School Big House
Need more information? Talk to teachers to find out more about courses Ask your counselor for advice about careers and courses
Use the Course Description Handbook QR code on your selection sheet for a direct link to the Course Description Handbook on the Casa website.
Internet Information UC CSUhttp:// NCAAhttp://web1.ncaa.orghttp://web1.ncaa.org California Colleges
When are the forms due? Counselors will pick up the forms in the last days of January Turn yours in on time!
PSAT Scores will be mailed to you