WHAT IS NEXT… Career & College Planning –Step 1: Increase your awareness What are your strengths What classes or topics do you enjoy What are you “GOOD”at What things don’t you enjoy What jobs match “YOU” WELCO ME JUNIOR S! You’re almost there!
Why You’re Here… So you’re prepared for life after high school-College/Career Ready So you have time to brainstorm, plan, and make it happen! So you don’t miss important deadlines and meetings So you know what to expect in the future
Where can I get the answers? –Naviance Account/Program –UW-System – –Private Colleges –Technical Colleges— –Knowhowtogowi.org There are no short cuts…it takes TIME! Research, Explore, Plan, Decide
Make a plan to get there –Educational requirements What training do I need?What training do I need? What is important to me in terms of a school or job?What is important to me in terms of a school or job? Can I get admitted there?Can I get admitted there? How much will it cost?How much will it cost? What opportunities will I have when I’m done?What opportunities will I have when I’m done? What is next?
College Fairs –Greater Milwaukee College Workshop Sunday, March 30, 2014 Hilton Milwaukee Downtown Milwaukee 509 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI :00 pm-5:00 pm College Visits College Representatives Some Resources for Help
ACT Test: April 12 th June 14th ACT Prep Classes-OHS Junior Symposium: March 10th Senior Schedule/Planning/Rigor Begin Applying to College – Sept.15 th (UW-System) Fall is very busy!! PLAN NOW!! Things to Consider
Credit check-Student Access OHS Graduation Requirements 4.0 English-*Senior English!!! .50 Speech 3.0 Math 3.0 Science 3.0 Social Studies .5 Citizenship .5 Health 1.5 P.E. .5 Career/Tech. Ed .5 Fine Arts Are you READY to Graduate?
Naviance What is Family Connection? Family Connection links OHS counselors and teachers with students and parents to improve course, college, and career planning. –provides a powerful link between school and home –customized to save your personal profile –secure website that supports planning and advising at OHS.
How Can I Use It? CAREER PLANNING Learning Styles Inventory Interest Inventory Personality Inventory Write Resume Course, college, and career planning Local scholarships and aid opportunities Updates from Student Services Center
QUESTIONS?? Where to go from here? Naviance, Naviance, Naviance –Cluster Finder –OHS Graduation Plan –SuperMatch College Search –Resume