University Faculty Senate: Committee Planning Meeting 9/20-21/2012 Need feedback (by 9/28) on expected BAM impacts to instruction Later this year, Governance Committee will facilitate a SUNY Learning Commons (SUNY-wide) faculty caucus on academic freedom System-wide push for undergraduate research Graduate Research Symposium (LOB-2/26/13) Faculty Intellectual Property Rights—Report to be made available under the “Faculty” toolbar on the SUNY Provost’s website: General Education review by Undergraduate Committee and others
Ad Hoc Committee on General Education Report to the College Senate: 9/24/2012
Charge To consider all aspects of SUNY Oneonta’s current General Education curriculum; to develop potential models for the faculty to consider, including suggestions for enhancing transferability; to report out to the College Senate after preliminary review and feedback by the College Curriculum Committee.
Goals 1)craft a recommendation on creation of a permanent governance body to review and oversee General Education; 2) present recommendations for models of general education curricula to CCC and then College Senate. Consideration of models to include best practices in outcomes-based assessment and transfer- students’ needs.
What We Will NOT Do Make recommendations as to what course or courses should or not be in any configuration, beyond the possibility of first-year or interdisciplinary courses IF the Committee so decides; Recommend changes to College Policy or governance, beyond suggesting creation of a standing committee in keeping with (then) current bylaws.
What We Will Do Consider the creation of a standing General Education Review Committee after consultation about appropriate governance requirements; Recommend models for (core) General Education curricula after fact-finding, research and consultation with the faculty of the College; Consider and present options to facilitate transfer to the College at Oneonta; Include all 400+ courses in the current Gen Ed list within whatever models we offer.
Outreach to Date College Senate (9/10 & 9/24) Academic Master Plan, Phase 1 (9/13) Council of Chairs (9/13) College Curriculum Committee (9/12) General Education Assessment Committee (9/18) Associate Dean of Business… (9/14) Division of Education (9/19) *Human Ecology Music (9/24; follow-up 10/4) Provost, President and Associate Provost (9/11-9/24)
Committee Composition Faculty from current General Education silos & campus-specific attributes Representatives from “Pillars Groups”— Sustainability, Diversity and Globalization Admissions, Academic Advisement, Registrar CADE, Library, CSRC, First-Year Experience; AMP Students Liaison (non-voting) from GEAC
Committee Roster and Attributes AA21Rhea Nowak AH21Timothy Newton BC21Richard Lee FL21Elizabeth Small HA21Miguel Leon HO21+Robert Compton HW21+TBD: Philosophy M21James Ruffo N22+Martha Growdon; Sunil Labroo OS21+Jon Arakaki S22+Charlene Christie; Wendy Mitteager; John Relethford WS2TBD, or overarching representation
Committee Roster & Constituencies Jon ArakakiCommunication Arts; OS2 Karen BrownAdmissions Richard CebadaStudent Association Charlene ChristiePsychology; WGS; S2; PACS (Sustainability Pillar); AMP Robert ComptonPolitical Science & ALS (Chair); HO2; Globalization Pillar Amy Crouse-Powers CADE Pamela FlintonLibrary Monica GrauFirst-Year Experience Martha GrowdonEarth Sciences; N2; Steering Committee Ian KenyonStudent Association Sunil LabrooPhysics; N2; STEM Richard LeeEnglish; BC2; UFS; Steering Committee Miguel LeonHistory; HA2; PCOD (Diversity Pillar) Eileen McClaffertyAcademic Advisement Wendy MitteagerGeography; S2; CSRC Timothy NewtonMusic; AH2; Honors Program Rhea NowakFine Arts; AA2 TBDPhilosophy; HW2 John RelethfordAnthropology; S2 James RuffoMathematics, Computer Science and Statistics; M2 Elizabeth SmallForeign Languages (Chair); FL2; PCOD Deborah SperanoRegistrar
Action Plan: Phase 1 Planning Staff Committee with balanced representation, at-large members Create charge / Establish goals Enable transparent, campus-wide interaction (Angel “class”) Organizational meeting (Friday, 3:00pm?, 10/5?) Elect Chair, establish Writing Committee, Task Groups, assign Input and Outreach Activities, others TBD
Action Plan: Phase 2 – Data & Information gathering Open faculty forum (off-week for Senate: 10/22?). Short presentations by reps from Business, Music, HuEco, Education Gen Ed “retreat” (Saturday, from 9- 3: 11/3?). Committee and others, TBD
Action Plan: Phase 3 Formulation Transfer issues Outcomes-based assessment language (if needed in addition to SUNY GER) Writing Committee takes charge of final version of Ad Hoc Committee’s recommendations: present to CCC for disciplinary/departmental input Revisions as necessary and/or consultation with CCC prior to presentation to Senate