King Midas Mr Walton, February To be used with Orchard myths
1. p.32 Why did Apollo cast a spell on Midas?
2. p.33 Draw a picture to show how Midas hid his ears.
3. p.35 Write two words which describe how Midas felt when he went to the barber.
4. (stop after But at last he just had to tell it). What do you think the barber is going to do?
5. P.38 Why is Midas’s wish not a good idea? What do you think could happen?
6. P.42 How do you think Midas feels about his wish now?
7. P.44 Do you think the Satyr will help Midas? Think of reasons why he should / shouldn’t help him.
8. P.48 What lesson has Midas learnt?
Questions! What questions could we ask Midas? Think about Pan and Apollo at the beginning of the story. His meeting with the Satyr. His return to the palace.