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What is the difference between artificial transmutation and natural radioactivity? Artificial Transmutation has two reactants Transmutation happens naturally
27 13 Al He X n What does X represent? P
Group 1 metals are obtained commercially from: Transmutation Polymerization Electrolysis Fractional distillation
Which oxide will react with carbon to produce a free metal? MgO Li 2 O ZnO Na 2 O
Why can neutrons not be used in artificial transmutation? They cannot be accelerated by an electric field
What is the name of the device that allows chemists to perform artificial transmutation? A particle accelerator
Write the Haber Process’s chemical equation N H 2 2 NH 3
What is the mass number of tritium?
Which of the following metals forms a self-protective coating when exposed to air and moisture. Al Na NH 3 H 2 SO 4
What does the coolant do in a nuclear reactor? Transfer the energy to the generator
What does the moderator do in a nuclear reactor? Slow down the neutrons to produce more fission reacitons
Why is there no such thing as a fusion reactor? Fusion involves combining positive nuclei It takes too much energy
Which change would make the Haber process shift to the right? N 2 + 3H 2 2 NH 3 + heat Increase the temperature Increase the Pressure Decrease the N 2 Decrease the H 2
Write the basic equation for a fusion reaction 2 1 H H 4 2 He + ENERGY
What is entropy?
What is the contact process used for? Production of sulfuric acid
H 2 + O 2 H 2 O Which species is oxidized? H02H02
What is catalytic cracking? The breaking of a long chained hydrocarbon
What are three possible sources for fuel in a nuclear reactor? U-235 U-238 Pu-239
What is the function of a control rod in a nuclear reactor? Absorb excess neutrons
How does soap get a stain out?
What are the following radioisotopes used for? Carbon-14 Cobalt-60 Iodine-131 Technecium-99
What is the radioisotope used to tell the age of rocks? What is another use for this radioisotope?