Sir Robert Borden High School Welcome to Sir Robert Borden HS – your community school!
Our Administrative Team Principal -Wendy Verreault Vice-Principals - Rob Anderson and Steve Jackson School Council Chair - Paula Shaver My name is Wendy Verreault and I am the very proud Principal of SRB. I am privileged to work with two exemplary Vice Principals: Rob Anderson and Steve Jackson Our School Council Chair is with us this evening. Please welcome Paula Shaver. SCHOOL COUNCIL’s next meeting is coming up on Tuesday January 13th at 7 pm in the library.
SRB is a great school! History of academic achievement; Excellence in Athletics, Arts, and Technology; Community involvement; Supports learning for all. SRB is a great school. We have a vibrant history of academic achievement as well as excellence in athletics, arts and technology At our Fall Awards…. for grade 9, 10 and 11’s…. 272 of our students achieved averages over 80% and in that group 70 achieved averages above 90% 85% of our students achieve a level 3 or 4 in EQAO Math. Our Literacy test pass rate is a very successful 92% We have every sports team up and running with both teacher and community volunteers.. In the Fine Arts we showcase a Mystery Dinner Theatre and an Art Show. When you are in the foyer this evening, please take note of our sign…SRB gives back to the community… Our students are involved, committed, and generous. However, when I say SRB is great is because the most important reason is that OUR school supports learning for all!
Department Heads Christy Armstrong – World Studies & Geography, Civics, Languages Patrick Kirkham – Athletics & Healthy Living, Family Studies, COOP Michael Blakely – Math, Computer Science, Business Graham Satterthwaite – Science & Library Kevin Shea – Fine Arts, Technology, English I must give credit to the following teachers who contribute to a strong academic program and great school climate. Please say hello to the leaders at SRB….our Department Heads. Christy Armstrong is in charge of Social Studies & Geography, Civics, Languages Patrick Kirkham oversees Athletics & Healthy Living, Family Studies, COOP Michael Blakely is the Dept Head of Math, Computer Science, Business Graham Satterthwaite takes care of Science & Library And Kevin Shea has the portfolio that includes the Fine Arts, Technology, and English
Student Services Guidance & Special Education - Susan Griffin is the Department Head Guidance Counsellors: Mary Anne Mayhew Mark Mullins Susan Griffin is the Department Head of Guidance & Special Education We have 2 Guidance Counsellors who take care of the academic, emotional and social needs of students Mary Anne Mayhew and Mark Mullins
OSSD Graduation Requirements 30 credits 18 compulsory & 12 elective Successful completion of the Provincial Literacy Test (OSSLT) 40 Hours of Community Involvement I know that you and your children have not even arrived yet at SRB. However… are the three requirements that are needed to get that coveted high school diploma. …. 30 credits of which 18 you must take and 12 are courses that students get to choose based on their interests and career path. Passing the OSSLT in Grade 10 and earning 40 Hours of Volunteer work. It may sound daunting now…however, we have a graduation rate of 88% and that speaks to our strong staff that both challenge and inspire our students.
Applied vs. Academic Applied Courses Essential concepts Practical applications Lead to College-prep courses Academic Courses Essential concepts and explore related concepts Strong emphasis on theory Lead to University-prep courses Sometimes students and parents have difficulty deciding on the LEVEL for a course. WE have an information handout to explain the differences for students and parents. I will try for a simple explanation. Both Applied and Academic Courses have similar content. Academic courses have more depth and homework and go at a quicker pace. It should be noted that there are significant shifts in post secondary and many students are going first to college and then transitioning to university. Last year, about one third of our graduating class chose this pathway.
Gr. 9 Timetable - Compulsory English Geography Science Mathematics French Health & Physical Education Fine Arts – Music, Drama, Vocals, Visual Art, Guitar or Keyboarding A typical grade 9 timetable consists of 8 subjects…these are the first seven. They are compulsory – you must choose them. The Fine Arts offers a choice of either Music, Drama, Vocals, Visual Art, Guitar or Piano Keyboarding.
Electives – Open level are accessible to all students 8th credit could another Fine Arts credit, Learning Strategies, Exploring Technologies, Technology Design 9th credit is outside of the Timetable: Junior Band The eighth credit is an elective – another Arts credit. Or perhaps Learning Strategies that is a course designed to help students with organizational and study skills. Technology is a popular course that explores projects such as graphics, rocket making, construction and Architectural Design.
SUBJECT ACADEMIC APPLIED LOCALLY DEVEL. IMMERSION TEACH. REC. ENGLISH ENG1D ENG1P MATH MPM1D MFM1P MAT1L SCIENCE SNC1D SNC1P FRENCH FSF1D (Core) 600 FSF1P FEF1D (Extended) 1260 FIF1D (Immersion) 3800 GEOGRA. CGC1D CGC1P CGC1DF These are 5 of the compulsory credits to choose. Note the number beside the French courses. These represent the hours of prior instruction and can be used a guide to select the best level of class….be it applied or academic core, extended or immersion French
PHYS ED ARTS ELECTIVE Optional Credit Alternate PPL1OP (GIRLS) PPL1OQ (BOYS) PPL1O4 (FILLES) PPL1O5 (GARCONS) ARTS ADA1O AVI1O AMG1O AMK1O AMU1O AMV1O DRAMA ART GUITAR KEYBOARD INSTRUM. VOCAL ELECTIVE TIJ1O Exploring Technologies NEW ! TDJ1O Technological Design LWSBD Spanish ADDITIONAL ARTS CREDIT (SEE ABOVE) GLS1O Learning Strategies Optional Credit AMR1O Junior Band, Alternate Alternate course selection ________________________ These are the remaining three compulsory credits and then the one elective to be chosen based on the interest of your child. The Optional credit is Junior Band running all year and before school. It is always best to select an alternate course in case one of the elective classes that you have chosen if filled.
COURSE CONTRACTS…. Guidance Counsellors are at GMS next week to speak with students. The due date for Course Contracts will be January 23rd. Important to get teacher’s approval and initials for level of courses selected. Guidance Counsellors will be going to GMS next week to speak with your students. The due date for Course Contracts will be shortly after that visit – Jan 23rd. It is important to get teacher’s approval and initials for level of courses selected.
A Grade 9 Student’s Day 4 classes per day (9:00 – 3:08) each is a 75 minute period 52 minutes for lunch and extra curricular activities 5 exam days at the end of each semester At SRB we have 4 classes per day (9:00 – 3:08) each is a 75 minute period with 8 minutes of travel time There are 52 minutes for lunch and that is time for students to become involved. There are extra curricular activities in the gym, have a game of ping pong in the foyer, visit the library or just have lunch with your friends in the caf. There are 5 exam days at the end of each semester so please consult the school before making travel plans.
School Pathways Applied & College Academic and University Locally Developed Workplace Open There is a pathway for every student at SRB. We have the courses that your child needs. Students can pursue the world of work, college or university. Parents, please start thinking early about what is best for your student: … how they learn,…what they are capable of achieving, …and what are their interests. The most important consideration for parents, … when planning for their child, … is to set them up for success. Research has shown that students who earn 16 credits by the end of grade 10 have a much higher rate of success in all of the above pathways. So it is VERY critical that you choose a combination of levels for classes to suit your child’s learning needs. For example, you might choose academic Science and Math and applied English and Geography. Here at SRB we advise and assist ALL students individually so they are successful in their chosen pathway. These are significant decisions that should be made earlier rather than later to ensure success. Guidance counsellors are here to help and they are part of the keys to success for your child. Sad to say…that no school in the OCDSB is offering enriched classes anymore. .
School Programs Advanced Placement (AP) Dual Credits French Immersion Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) - Emergency Services (‘911’) and Architectural Design. We have a variety of programs to suit every type of student. We have Grade 11 Prep for Advanced Placement …. Then AP Functions in Grade 12 and finally AP Calculus. 22 students did well on the final AP exam. We run Dual Credits in partnership with Algonquin College for grade 12 College English. We support the French Immersion Certificate and the testing through France’s Ministry of National Education otherwise known as (DELF). We have TWO Specialist High Skills Major courses otherwise known as SHSMs- The first is a Justice, Community Safety and Emergency Services SHSM usuallu (called 911’ for short) and the second is our Architectural Design SHSM.
School Programs Unique at SRB! Music Keyboarding Program Vocals & Guitar Programs Phys. Ed in French Learning Disabilities Program International Certificate Program Our unique programs include the following: We have a 28 electronic pianos in a lab for students to take keyboarding. Vocal and Guitar are in all four grades of HS Grades 9 to 12 Phys Ed is offered in French and this may facilitate a French certificate. Every year we receive 8 new students with learning disabilities that are placed here CENTRALLY by the board. Our International Certificate Program is thriving at SRB and its purpose is to recognize and honour students who demonstrate a commitment to being motivated, and active global citizens.
We are committed to Success for every Student! Student Success Team MOB after school Opportunity Room - lunch Individual Pathway Programming Specialized Programming Our Student Success Team organizes literacy, numeracy, pathways, and character development initiatives. There is MOB…. Math Opportunities at Borden where teachers and students offer help every Mon to Thurs 3:30-4:30 “Opportunity Room”: is an extra help/homework club that runs at lunchtime on Tuesday and Thursday There is the Individual Pathway Programming that is unique for every student. We have Specialized Programming after school to help students with challenging areas – for example Grade 10 Quadratics, Literacy prep for OSSLT and Grade 9 challenge for Math and Science.
Community Connections Cooperative Education - Workplace Experience Have you ever wanted to take a career for a test drive. You can do that when you take COOP at high school.
Community Connections Emily - Rogers TV - filming and reporting placement
Community Connections Konstantin - Douglas Hardie Architects - drafting placement (supports Architecture/Construction Design SHSM)
Community Connections Megg – is working in our very own Autism unit here at SRB
APPLY between February 9 to 20, 2015 OCDSB Transfer Pr.569.PLG Transfer Forms & Parent Guides Return form to SRB main office (receiving school) Acceptance based only on three criteria listed on Transfer Form If you live outside of SRB’s catchment area…we have some Transfer Forms and Parent Guides should you be interested. The form must be returned and time stamped by the Main Office at SRB – we are the receiving school. You must still fill out a course contract and hand it in to your designated home school… that is in the catchment area where you live. Please read the acceptance criteria carefully as those are the only three that are considered. Applications are due in February. Thank you for your kind attention and now I will turn the evening over to the reason we are all here… our students. Please welcome our reps from Student Council APPLY between February 9 to 20, 2015
Our students! Student Council Co Prez Link Leader SHSM students Athletes Grade 9 students And now the BAND!
School Tours Students will be in the foyer ready to give you a tour or take your own tour! Tours will be about 30 minutes Guidance Counsellors, Department Heads, and Administration will be available for questions in the foyer Students will be in the foyer ready to give you a tour. Form groups of about 10-12 people. Tours will be about 30 minutes depending on the number of questions that you ask Guidance Counsellors, Department Heads, and Administration will be available for questions in the foyer